Verilog Voyage: Navigating Combinational Circuits

Enzo Jade
3 min readDec 28, 2023


Embark on a Verilog voyage! In this blog post, we’ll navigate the world of combinational circuits with an engaging assignment. If you’re seeking help with Verilog programming assignment, our expert team is ready to assist you. Your mission is to design a Verilog module representing a 4-to-1 multiplexer (MUX). This hands-on experience will deepen your understanding of combinational logic and Verilog. Join the voyage to master the intricacies of digital circuitry.

Problem Description

The Task:

Your mission is to implement a Verilog module that represents a 4-to-1 multiplexer. The module should take four 1-bit inputs (D0 to D3), a 2-bit select signal (S0 and S1), and produce a 1-bit output (Y). Additionally, implement a testbench to verify the correctness of your design.

How to Approach the Problem:

Let’s break down the problem into manageable steps:

Step 1: Verilog Module

Define a Verilog module for a 4-to-1 multiplexer. Implement the necessary combinational logic to select one of the four inputs based on the select signals.

odule mux_4to1(
input [3:0] D, // 4 1-bit data inputs
input [1:0] S, // 2-bit select inputs
output reg Y // 1-bit output
always @* begin
case (S)
2'b00: Y = D[0];
2'b01: Y = D[1];
2'b10: Y = D[2];
2'b11: Y = D[3];
default: Y = 1'b0; // Default output value

Step 2: Testbench

Create a Verilog testbench to verify the functionality of your multiplexer module. Include test cases to observe the multiplexer’s behavior for different input combinations and select signals.

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module testbench;

reg [3:0] D;
reg [1:0] S;
wire Y;

// Instantiate the multiplexer module
mux_4to1 uut (

// Clock generation (for example, 10ns period clock)
reg clk = 0;
always #5 clk = ~clk;

// Test cases
initial begin
// Test case 1
D = 4'b0000;
S = 2'b00;
$display("Case 1: Y = %b", Y);

// Test case 2
D = 4'b0101;
S = 2'b01;
$display("Case 2: Y = %b", Y);

// Test case 3
D = 4'b1100;
S = 2'b10;
$display("Case 3: Y = %b", Y);

// Test case 4
D = 4'b1111;
S = 2'b11;
$display("Case 4: Y = %b", Y);

// Add more test cases as needed


Step 3: Simulation

Simulate your Verilog design using a simulation tool. Analyze the simulation results to ensure the correctness of your 4-to-1 multiplexer under different input and select signal conditions.


Let’s walk through an example where the output Y is selected based on the 2-bit select signals. The provided Verilog solution serves as a guide to help you implement your own solution.

module mux_4to1(
input [3:0] D,
input [1:0] S,
output reg Y
always @*
case (S)
2'b00: Y = D[0];
2'b01: Y = D[1];
2'b10: Y = D[2];
2'b11: Y = D[3];
default: Y = 1'b0; // Default output value

This Verilog assignment provides practical insight into designing combinational circuits. As you implement a 4-to-1 multiplexer and simulate its behavior, you’ll enhance your Verilog skills in handling digital logic.

