7 Ways To Curb Your Twitter Addiction

Egbeyemi Olawale
6 min readOct 14, 2022


If there is anything I am known for in my place of work, it is my Twitter addiction. I spend an immeasurable time of the day endlessly scrolling Twitter, instead of doing my f*cking job. This twitter addiction (coupled together with late coming) has almost cost me my job on three occasions this year and the annoying thing is that I am still addicted.

Well to be fair to me, I am not the only one with this unhealthy Twitter addiction. Larry Carlat, was a happily married man, working as the editor of Esquire until he became obsessed with Twitter. He tweeted 20–30 times every day of the week, amassing over 25,000 followers.

Larry got so obsessed that he chose Twitter over his Job after he was given a choice to delete his account or face termination. His tweets were a clear violation of the company’s social-media policy. After losing his job, he got divorced from his wife and alienated himself from his Son.

Describing his addiction he wrote: “I stopped reading, rarely listened to music or watched TV. When I was out with friends, I would duck into the bathroom with my iPhone. I tweeted while driving, between sets of tennis, even at the movies. When I wasn’t on Twitter, I would compose faux aphorisms that I might use later. I posted every hour on the hour, day and night, using a Web site that enabled me to tweet while asleep.”

I’m sure you are wondering What in the name of God are we doing here? Well in search of a cure for my Twitter addiction (*Bhudist Theme Sound*), I came across these 7 ways to help you, sorry, help me curb my Twitter addiction. So as the caring writer that I am, I want to pass them on to you. But first, why are gotta know why we are addicted to Twitter

Why we are addicted to Twitter

Really? Like really, Who TF on earth isn’t addicted to Twitter, I mean that’s where the gist is really happening. (Y’all saw the meme and tweets concerning Queen Elizabeth’s Death? They were F*cking hilarious). I feel it is impossible to use Twitter and not be addicted, Is it the ratios, the memes, the unending gender war, the stupid leftist agenda, or the ignorant right-wing opinions, I mean there are so many things happening on Twitter for you not to be addicted.

Well, according to Star Aasved, A Tree-hugging social media lover on Quora, Twitter is a great resource on a variety of interesting subjects as well as a great place to expand one’s knowledge base. She noted that the 140 characters or less which can be quickly scanned, makes it easier for a user moves on to another item that may hold more interest or expand the link to learn more.

She wrote: “It’s fast, doesn’t leave ink on your hands as newspapers do, and it’s more than timely — it’s almost instantaneous. I’ve found that by the time the national news is broadcast I’ve already learned about the news items they’re featuring, for the most part, and can use that 30 minutes to do something else.”

According to Psychological Today (a racist website not available to Africans for whatsoever reason), Twitter taps into our natural reward-based learning processes: trigger, behavior, and reward.

The point is your Twitter addiction is not really your fault the platform is just too good for you not to spend your whole day scrolling aimlessly. Anyways back to the reason for the content, here are 7 ways to help you curb your Twitter addiction.

1. Acknowledge the addiction

Like me, I am sure you are probably thinking you are not addicted to Twitter and only using it because there is nothing interesting to do. Well, it is my utmost pleasure to inform you that you are one f*cking addicted N*gga.

Like most addictions, the first step to how to overcome Twitter addiction is to admit the addiction and be open about it. Admitting and accepting your addiction problem gives you the motivation to act and become better.

According to a 2019 study, Reminding yourself daily of your motivations and decisions is a great coping strategy for limiting social media use. It is also important to tell yourself that this addiction has negative consequences on your life.

2. Uninstall Twitter app(s) on your phone

One of the ways to curb your Twitter addiction is to completely delete the Twitter app from your smartphone. This automatically removes the temptation to use the app on your phone, decreasing the amount of time spent on Twitter.

However many Lifestyle websites will tell you it is ok to access your social media platforms on your personal computer If there is an absolute need to check it. As an experienced Twitter addict like yourself, it is my utmost pleasure to inform you that: IT IS NOT OK!.

Presently I don’t use a smartphone but I still spend 8–12 hours every day on my personal f*cking computer. Twitter addiction is like a virus it is best for you to let it go totally.

3. Limit social media use to a specific time

LMAO! let me be truthful to Y’all, this is not going to work, I just added it to make it 7 points, that is the company’s policy. I am sure you don’t want me to get fired.

4. Place less importance on your social media presence.

Well for me I don’t give two sh*t about social media presence, I even barely tweet, I just like reading people’s stupid opinions, most especially the ignorant ones. It just cracks me up and sometimes makes me boil.

But for you who are all about social media presence, it is important for you to place less importance on your social media persona. According to a report, Social media addicts, who are not scrolling aimlessly on social media, are spending a lot of time, thinking about and planning their posts and how to build an attractive social media presence. This causes anxiety and stress leading to more indulgence on social media.

5. Get a new hobby outside of Twitter.

One of the ways to curb your Twitter addiction is to take up a new hobby that’s not technology-related. You are probably a f*cking Nerd, with nothing going on in your life, except Pornography, Twitter, and Masturbation.

Bruh you need to get a grip. Get into sports, art, or music, just do something that doesn’t involve you pressing your phone. If your mind is busy, you won’t feel the need to scroll mindlessly on Twitter.

6. Spend time with your family and friends

Spending time with your family and friends will ease the feelings of boredom and loneliness, thereby decreasing the need to indulge in Twitter. But you are a Nerd, you probably don’t have friends, and You can’t even get a girl. Spending time with others will allow you to connect with your family and create new memories while helping your brain switch off.

7. Quit Twiter

I said this from the very beginning, the only way to curb your Twitter addiction is to quit the MF platform. That sh*t is a f*cking virus, no matter how hard you try to limit it, it just sucks you in and you find it really hard to get out. I mean if you are not using Twitter, what is there to use, Instagram, a dumbass platform full of macho and right-wing bullsh*t, TikTok, JESUS! don’t even mention it, So f*cking cringe. Facebook is just for your family members and old friends you don’t want to see and sometimes intellectual discussion has nothing to do with you.


The point is Twitter is really one of the best sh*ts out there, but it is going to ruin your f*cking life if you don’t find a way to curb it. How you do you curb, there is no f*cking way, JUST QUIT! *Opens Twitter in a new tab*

NB: I originally published this article on RNN.NG, but shared it here, since no one is reading it there and y’all love motivational bullshit

