Is Inequality Spread Through Social Media?

Eric O'Brien
2 min readOct 26, 2016


The question I want to as is: Is inequality spread through social media? And interestingly enough the title of the chapter highlighting Inequality asks the question, “can social media resolve social divisions?” which is clearly the opposite question I’m asking.

I don’t think this question can truly be answered in a short manner but a quote by Boyd that may help is, “As I describe throughout this book, the mere existence of new technology neither creates nor magically solves cultural problems. In fact, their construction typically reinforces existing social divisions.” This quote, again, is not the end all answer to my question but I definitely with where Boyd is coming from. My reason for agreement is the fact I have grown up in a household where the ideas of inequality, racism, segregation etc. were for the most part not even touched upon. And yet, predominantly through the use of social media, I have been witness to countless occasions involving racism.

Although some families may be generations ahead of others in terms of racism, the select families stuck in a rut where inequality is a way thinking and a way of life, allows for the spread of inequality through social media. That is both the blessing and the curse of social media. You can spread something uplifting and enlightening with the world, but it also means people can spread hate and despair.

Like I quoted before, I think social media is neither truly continuing nor stopping the spread of inequality, but I do think there has to be a way to rid the idea that spreading such thinking is right.

