What Makes the World Go Round?

Eric O'Brien
2 min readOct 5, 2016


What, literally and figuratively, makes the world go round? This question is an integral part of my education, being involved in both business and environmental studies. And I, for one, cannot attribute one sole answer to this question.

Literally, of course, there are countless physical phenomenon that produce the world’s rotation. And although environmental studies is not entirely physics based, the environment definitely has a significant relationship with the world going round. Yes, the environment may not produce the spinning, but nature is the way it is because of the rotation of the Earth. Wind and weather patterns, tides, ocean currents, and more are direct results of how the Earth turns and without such patterns, the environment would be nothing of how it is today.

Figuratively, there are a lot more answers to this question. As I stated before, I am involved in business as well. I cannot help but think from a business standpoint, that the global market allows for the development of economies, people, cultures and more. Without the introduction of trade and without the introduction of currency, we may have been stuck in stone age — like development. Business produces competition amongst each individual, state, country, region, etc. that fuels individuality, personal growth, intelligence, leadership, problem solving, enthusiasm and more. And although there is a sense of competition, there is also a sense of collaboration and community born from business. This allows people to grow together and develop each of their respective towns, cities, countries, regions, etc. and that is huge factor in what makes the world go round.

Something else that both business and environmental studies both touch on is the idea of ethics. Each culture around the world has an unwritten code of ethics. And in the grand scheme of things, this code is very similar around the world. I cannot help but think that ethical behavior plays a huge role in making the world go round. Without ethical treatment of each other and growth away from barbaric acts against one another, we would be stuck in a dark and savage time. But the continuation of ethical growth has allowed for the growth of the human race as a whole. Everyone all over has learned, over time, to treat everyone, regardless of who they are, where they come from, what they believe in, etc. with the respect that each human deserves. Of course, there are still those out there that cannot move forward with this ethical code. But it is those around him/her that will make the change and continue to grow. This undoubtedly has a role in the figurative reason for what makes the world go round.

As you can see, anyone could go on forever to make their best guess and what makes the world go round. But I feel as though the literal and figurative factors in what makes the world go round is entirely relevant with respect to my educational focus. And thus this is question, though broad, is something I will focus on throughout my education and work in these specific sectors.

