Is” a student loan scam?”

21 min readMar 28, 2019


Is” a student loan scam?”

A few months ago I received an email from a url ( saying that my address needs to be updated. I almost signed up for it but was uncomfortable with entering my SS number. After waiting a few days I tried going to the website again and it had completely changed and mentioned nothing about student loans. Now just recently I received another email stating the same thing as before. What is up with this website? Is it legitimate or someone trying to scam me

Answer : I suggest that you visit this site where you can compare from different companies: .

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“Is” a student loan scam?”

A few months ago I received an email from a url ( saying that my address needs to be updated. I almost signed up for it but was uncomfortable with entering my SS number. After waiting a few days I tried going to the website again and it had completely changed and mentioned nothing about student loans. Now just recently I received another email stating the same thing as before. What is up with this website? Is it legitimate or someone trying to scam me

Residential mortgage on multiple parcels?
Friend A is buying a house. It is 2 parcel numbers. One with the house on it and the other is a vacant lot which at this point looks like a side yard””””. Friend B who is a loan processor for a mortgage company is telling me it is hard to get conventional mortgages approved when there are multiple lot numbers. Does anyone have any experience with this and can tell me whether the loan is likely to be denied during underwriting? Friend A is worried because although contract was signed before 4/30 he is worried this may interfere with closing before 6/30 for the first time homebuyer credit. It does appear from county records that the two parcels have always been sold together””
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Pay day loans?
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I went online to the annualcreditreport website to request my free credit reports for the three agencies. This was around August last year in my local library. However, when I was starting to check some items in my first report, the library system crashed and I was unable to see my reports once it was fixed. If I try the annual credit report website today, am I going to be able to see at least the two reports I misse””


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What is the highest allowable APR for auto financing in WA state? I’m trying to determine if the dealer might fall under restrictions of usury, as we just got a car financed at 29.9%. The dealer has also decided that our financing will not be reported to a credit bureau unless we are ever late on a payment. While looking for a car, I had my credit run at several places, and was told I have credit in the high 700s. This just doesn’t feel normal to me, and I was wondering if there is a cap on the APR allowed for auto financing in WA state. Anyone know?””
I was paying my mortgage twice a month. Can you answer my questions?
I bought a house in 2010. I found out almost a week later, my mortgage payments were going to Central Mortgage in Arkansas. I received a letter 2 days ago saying its been transferred to another mortgage company, and the new mortgage company will not accept bi weekly payments. According to the gal on the phone, they are not set up for bi weekly payments. I was concerned, so I called and they told me I will have the last bi weekly payment taken out of my checking on 4/13, and that is the end of my business with Central Mortgage. I have to pay the entire payment on the 1st of every month starting 5/1 since the new mortgage company doesnt accept bi weekly mortgage payments. What do you think the chances of my mortgage being sold”””” to a new company again? Can the mortgage company refuse to accept bi weekly payments””
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Credit Score of 630. What are chances of getting a car loan for13k with 2000 down?
I get paid minimum wage with a montly income of about 920 , Im thinking no chance but asking anyway””
“”Banner Bank Visa credit card, what are the advantages?””
Hello! I’m considering applying for a Banner Bank Platinum Rewards Credit Card, since I bank with them. Is this a good choice, because currently I have Capital One and am having trouble with them. I just want a card that can help me build strong solid credit history. Capital One charges me 21% interest rates, and Banner Bank can offer you a 9.99% to people with good credit. Do any of you have one of these cards, what are the advantages or disadvantes of owning one? Just give me overview of this card if you could please. Also do any of you know if they charge a fee for usage, like for example Capital One charges $10.00 everymonth-$120 yearly. Does Banner Bank do this kind of things? Thanks in advance. Alex””
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How long do you have to be on the job to apply for an auto loan?
I have a stable history of work in the same field, but i just switched companies.””
How much would payments for a motorcycle cost?
There are two motorcycles that I want, but I’m only going to get one. There is a $13,500 street bike, and there is a $3,500 speed bike. I don’t mind paying more or less for either one, but I only have a part time job and am wondering how much a month I would be having to pay for either one of the two.””
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How could I get $400.00 legally & fast?
My husband & I need the money for our rent.& we don’t want to get another Payday Loan.Family doesn’t want to help us what should we do? We’re desperate & scared.We’ve never been late on our rent.Any advice?

Will I be approved for an Auto loan?
I want to purchase a 2009 Range Rover that costs about $35k….I have little to no bills, just the usual bills totalling around $1600 dollars a month. I am employed full time with a salary of $65k a yr. However my credit score is poor-right around 600. On my credit report their is one loan in good standing for my current car. I have recently taken care of some past due accounts and one defaulted loan has dropped off as it was over 7 years ago. I am able to put down $5000.00 toward the purchase of the new car.””
“Is” a student loan scam?”

A few months ago I received an email from a url ( saying that my address needs to be updated. I almost signed up for it but was uncomfortable with entering my SS number. After waiting a few days I tried going to the website again and it had completely changed and mentioned nothing about student loans. Now just recently I received another email stating the same thing as before. What is up with this website? Is it legitimate or someone trying to scam me


I have a question about maintaining good credit!!!?
im soo livid so i had a bank account with a local bank over a year ago.. i closed out the bank account because it was horrible so i went in and closed it in one day took all my money out and that was it they told me i had nothing to worry about.. well now i get a letter saying im -4 dollars in my savings account because it went under a certain amount of money and that they reported it to the credit card company?! like WTF??? i have never had any issues with my credit its outstanding and now because this stupid bank screwed me over one last time im suffering the consequences i dont even live in that town anymore so i gotta go make a trip to fix it does anyone know how bad this will affect my credit??
How can I get a free copy of my business’ credit report so that I can examine it?
I own a small business. I’d like to check my business credit report every year or so. How can I get a free copy?

How can I get an instant loan?
I need a short term 2 week loan for $800. Does anyone know a reputable place that I can get it?
“”I know there is a web site to get free credit reports,but all I’am finding want money?

No credit & recent college grad. Need a auto loan…help!?
Please help…. I am a first time buyer, I need a loan so I can finance a used vehicle. I don’t own credit cards and I have student loans I am paying off- basically I don’t have credit. I have a full-time job, and a down payment saved $800–1,000 — -Can I still get an auto loan? Is it better for someone like me to go through a franchise dealer or independent dealer? Most banks require the loan minimum of $7,500 (U.S.) & the car must be 7 years old (or younger). BUT I also know some dealers can help you try to get a loan as well. I am afraid my APR is going to be way too high? Any recommendations or helpful insight…thank you!””
*auto loan payment taken out 2 days after loan*?
I just took out this loan 2 days ago and my credit union has already taken my first payment out of my checking account. I thought it would be a month from now. Can they really take a payment a day after the loan is given?
My fico score is 631?
hello. i have a fico score of 631. i just paid off my car($7077) & a old debt of $601 then paid off the bal. on my 2 credit cards one bal. was $494…..limit $500, the other bal. was $241……limit $250, when all this is reported what should my fico score go up too? thx………””
Do we get home loan for buying a room in a chawl?

What was there before cabot circus was built?
I’ve asked a similar question before but im really desperate for the answer!!


Payday Loans?
I was wondering if anyone knew a legit site that offers online payday loans? Most of the ones I have found say something to the effect of we will match you with possible lenders”””” but then they are all stupid prepaid credit cards and things like that. Please spare me the lecture on how bad it is to get a payday loan and how high the interest rates are etc. That’s not the question i’m asking. I already know all that just looking for a quick way to pay my light bill to keep from getting shut off. So if anyone knows of a site or has actually used one please let me know. Thanks!””””””
Arent you suposed to get one free credit report a year?
where the hell can i get this? i went to and i went to and a bunch of other useless sites and they all ask for credit cards. well, i need to rebuild my credit therefor i dont have a credit card. what can i do?? the credit union says they need my credit report so they can help me. but how can i find this information?? please help someone.””
Free dating transexual site no credit card required?


How to pay the HSBC credit card bill online ?

Credit cards and building credit?

Where do I start for bankruptcy?
I’ve been considering bankruptcy for a couple years now, but I was nervous about it. I had a car repossessed in May 2009, and have a lot of school loan debt. I know I can’t claim bankruptcy on school loan debt, and I’m in the process of consolidating all of that so I can get back to school soon. I have some credit card debt, but not enough to go through one of those loan helping programs, and the rest is medical or from the repossession. I know that the first thing I probably need to do is find a lawyer. I’ve searched online for a few, but how do I know who is the best? If I contact them, what kind of information do I need to have ready to give them? I work nights so I would call a lawyer first thing in the morning before I go to bed, and I only really have one, maybe two days a week I can realistically meet with them.””
Is there anywhere i can check my credit report for free?
there has to be site. I checked it before but I can’t remember the address

Credit score question?
Hello My husband credit score is 600, and we want to use his name on the mortgage loan. because his credit score is better than mines. well in 1yr or 2 we would like to buy our first home. but in order to get my husband credit score to go up what should he do. See he is going to be stationed in Korea and he wants to know what can he do from there to get his credit score up. I know he should get a credit card with no more than $500 on it. And just make monthly payments but what else should he do. And how soon would his credit score rise to 700. do Experian, transunion, ans equifax all have to have 700 on them? Thank You & God Bless””


“Is” a student loan scam?”

A few months ago I received an email from a url ( saying that my address needs to be updated. I almost signed up for it but was uncomfortable with entering my SS number. After waiting a few days I tried going to the website again and it had completely changed and mentioned nothing about student loans. Now just recently I received another email stating the same thing as before. What is up with this website? Is it legitimate or someone trying to scam me

Which one of these three prepaid cards would be the best to get for credit building?
Before you say prepaid credit cards dont improve your credit score you might wanna look it up and see there are some that do. Im wanting to boost my credit score. I have zero atm. And id like everyone’s opinions on the following prepaid credit cards. Im looking for least costly but also the most beneficial. 1. Green Dot Gold Visa/Mastercard Prepaid card -5.95/mo -free purchases (most charge for every transaction) -no credit check(they all have this) -free withdrawls(most charge 2.00 fee) -no overdraft or penalty fees. -free direct deposit -free online bill pay -no activation fee 2.Upside Visa Prepaid Card -2.99/mo -no credit check(they all have this) -no activation fee -free direct deposit -earn cash back points -Reports to the major credit bureaus -free transactions 3.AccountNow Gold Prepaid card -9.95/mo -$25 gift added to your card -free transactions -free credit builder -free online bill pay -reports to PRBC -no activation fee -free direct deposit So all have free direct deposit,no activation fees, and free transactions. I just wanna know which would most benefit me.””
Does anybody know were i can get a copy of my consumer report?
i am wondering if anyone know how i can get a copy of my consumer report the one the employers look at when they are considering hiring you i was truned down for a job because of what was in mine and iw ould like to know what information it contains

Joint auto loan — does only half the payment show up on GDS on personal mortgage app?
If I have a joint loan with someone but am applying by myself for a mortgage, is only half the monthly auto payment calculated into my GDS, or the whole thing?””
I have a bunch of payday loans out i cant pay anymore?
My husband didnt work for years and I ended up making the mistake of getting caught up in these payday loans. He was an abusive alcholic and I could not make ends meet. He stole from me so I had no money. It is a horrible cycle i’d take out another to pay the interest on the first and then so on. I can no longer pay the interest anymore. Is it wiser to default on them and make payments OR file bankruptcy on them. i have very little other debt besides a small cc of about $2,000 and the loans add to about $6,000 I’d say total now with the interest. I live in WI. I need the best suggestion to handle this. Thank you.””
What is better Debt settlement or bankruptcy 13?

“”When facing foreclosure, is it best to just foreclose or file bankruptcy?


I am 22 with a credit score of 635..should I be worried or is it normal?
well i am paying for my own college education….so i guess im cool thanks
Is roblox a safe site to put my credit card onto?
I want to get builders club but ive only the one credit card with all my money on it and im worried if i do put it on that maybe they could take all my money plz help me
Where can I file credit card bankruptcy for cheap?

How much does it cost to file for bankruptcy?
how to file for bankruptcy? as we all know bankruptcy laws are constantly changing. Is there any online source from where i can find online bankruptcy services and advice.
Has anyone with bad credit used an online service for an auto loan?
I was looking at a few (,, etc.) where they send your information to lenders/dealers. Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with any of them?””
Ebay debt collection?
my ebay got suspended around 4 months ago and ebay says i need to owe them 3500 in ebay fees.. so far a collection agency has been in contact with me they said they get the collection for 120 days before ebay does something else with it.. i want to know. does ebay settle debt? how long before they put on your credit score if you dont pay? what is process because i want to settle and it doesnt look like that agaency allows it and they said that they dont put anyhting on my credit and that after 120 days they no longer have it

Can i pay someone with a credit card?
hi im in college and i owe my friend 400$ and i dont have the cash or nothing in my bank account is there any way to pay my friend with a credit card?
I’m looking to borrow money for an unsecured personal loan over 10 years? Any ideas?
I have a good job and credit history, however, because I have low assets as security I’m finding it hard to get a loan ($30,000). If anyone knows of a financial institution that would help it would be very much appreciated, thanks, M””
Looing for a used car?
What auto loan interest rate can I expect?

“”Where can I get a real”””” free credit report on the web? Anyone know a ..?””””
Oh I forgot to add this I am from Canada and freecreditreport site does not work from canada.
Are there any legitimate 90 day loan lenders?
please note this is an serious query
Can my parents get a mortgage for me? please help me?
my parents are 59 and 62 and my mum has offered to get a mortgage for me and my partner my credit isn’t very good due to being silly when younger but all my debts are now paid and i still have low credit due to having to ccjs. we have seen a property we really like but they wont accept me and my partner due to credit i was wondering with the deposit we have would they let my parents get the mortgage and we pay every month? I really don’t want to get into renting as it is hard to get out of.
Loan shark in northampton please help?
I urgently need a loan of about 4000.00 but no one will lend it to me as I have had pass credit problems, I am currently out of work but my partner is in full time employment — I have been thinking of going to a loan shark and I have some urgent bills to pay can anyone help me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!””
Is it better to cash out a 401k or borrow take out a student loan during a hard time?
My husband lost his job and we don’t think he will get another job making as much money as he was. He has a 401k that we could cash out and pay off our debt. If we do that, we will be able to afford the necessities. Would it be better to take out a student loan t pay off this debt? Or cash in the 401k?””
Auto loan contract % was wrong after paper work done?
We took advice#2 and another advice from one of friend who working major car company headquarter. I told to the dealer sales guy Contract is deal
“Is” a student loan scam?”

A few months ago I received an email from a url ( saying that my address needs to be updated. I almost signed up for it but was uncomfortable with entering my SS number. After waiting a few days I tried going to the website again and it had completely changed and mentioned nothing about student loans. Now just recently I received another email stating the same thing as before. What is up with this website? Is it legitimate or someone trying to scam me

