EOS Alliance Work in China

EOS Alliance
9 min readJan 24, 2019


Summary of the 2018 EOS Alliance work and Preview for 2019


Since its establishment in July 2018, the EOS Alliance has been promoting community communication and building community consensus. It has actively established a communication platform for the community to shape the future of EOS.

In 2018, the EOS Alliance focused on the EOS constitution. We carried out work in various aspects such as conference organization, community building, and media outreach. We also promoted the development and the growth of the EOS community. By doing this, the EOS Alliance became an indispensable brand in the EOS community.


Meetings Organization

Part 1

The first discussion for the referendum regarding the EOS Constitution took place on August 27, 2018, and ended on November 15, 2018. In this three months period, the calls were held in English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian. We had 52 video conferences in 4 languages; we reached a number of 1,200 participants.

Week 1

During the first week we had a huge number of participants. In the call we announced our plans for the EOS Constitution proposal. This increased the interest of the community towards the EOS Alliance and led more people to join the next call.

Week 2

From the second week onwards, the working norms, language specifications, and discussion models were determined. The video conferences were held several times in English, Chinese, and Korean. At the same time, there were several working group of 5 to 7 people that started to self organize with our assistance and training.

Week 3

The discussion activities in the third week were more abundant and had more depth. The working groups started to break down individual constitutional provisions into design-level content. Also, in addition to this, the discussion activities in the third week released some overview of the survey results.

Week 4

In the fourth week, the activity team’s work had gone through the start-up period and began to enter a formality period. . During the various group works, we found out the community shared values, design principles and core beliefs. These beliefs were mainly towards the v1 and the v2 Constitution proposed by Daniel Larimer.

Week 5

In the fifth week, to better develop and carry out work, the activity team planned, designed and established a workgroup. Based on the workgroup and the collaboration of the team members, the most critical 2–3 values and principles were developed to construct the structural provisions of the v3+ version of the Constitution.

Week 6-Week 9

Between the sixth week and the ninth week, in addition to regular work, the activity team began to complete the “output and build” work. On the output side, the event team published 30 articles and explanations. On the construction side, the working group tried to build the next version of the optional draft constitution from the design workgroup.

Week 10

The tenth week was called the “Constitutional Week.” During this week, the event team listened to the opinions of more than five EOS researchers and 14 BP Candidates to begin to modify, publish and distribute the next edition of the optional constitution.

Week 11-Week 12

In the last two weeks, community members publicly campaigned for the constitution of their choice. The work of the working group was also completed, entering the stage of summary and data review.

Through 12 weeks of discussion and research, the meetings covered the following topics:

● 6 draft constitutional versions
● Amsterdam version
● New York version
● Korean version
● Russian version
● Initial thoughts about the final version
● Summarize the key issues of 10+ conventions

The constitutional discussion received strong support from community members, ranking in no particular order:

Justin Buck, Kevin Rose — EOS New York, Josh Kauffman — EOS Canada, Luka Percic, MAX Cho [KORERA.GENERAL.MOM], Sharif eosDublin, shuhao zhang, BlockchainKid -Mereo.io, Yves La Rose — EOS Nation, Luka Percic, Kyle EOSVIBES, MaxDapp, Martin, Michael Yeates, Samupaha, Alberto — EOS Venezuela, Pappamo, Emma, Ivan Mitko, Patricia Parkinson, Rhett -EOS Amsterdam, Branden Espinoza, David P — EOS42, Aneta — eosnetworkxx proxy, Steve Floyd — eostribe.io, Ashe Oro — FreedomProxy, Daivd Doghouse, Patrick — NovaCrypto, Ben DNA -shEOS, Polina EOS Amsterdam, Fuzzy, Saro McKenna — eosDAC, Marcin-Tokenika.io, paco EOS Mediterranean, Tanish EOSMetal (eosmetaliobp), Simon Says, ZhaoYu — EOSLaoMao -BankofStaked, Dmitri Pro MEET.ONE, Zane — www.FreedomProxy.org, mini — EOS Argentina, Ben Gates (ECAF), Ivan, Mitko, Achilles, Luna@EOS引力区, legend易sir, Potatohead, 黄小磊, 王小烦, 向日葵, Wanyun@shEOS, 斌, 金柚子头文字H_欣, 赵余, Yvonne@EOS Laomao, xiaoyu@Oath Protocol, 徐寅@@Oath Protocol, 杨敏 BlockABC, Chuan, Tiffany, Cat Kitty, DIMA, Ace_罗丹, LoChaiching@EOS Laomao, 王不二@EosStore, try, 陆海峰, 梓岑@HelloEOS, 李万才@水滴资本/引力区, Jerry, 马丁@shEOS, Skrrr, 胡泊, Peter Jang, 药思齐, Bo@EOS Silicon Valley, 伟峰, anna佳英, Kevin Wilcox, Thomas B Cox, 似水年华, Harvey Meng, Ricky胖哥, 云鹏@EOShenzhen, Darren Tay, Hope, 遁一@GEOS, 陈志, 彭彭彭皓, 海鸥, 广墅, aLex@EOS Sweden, 坦霍伊泽, 青遥, Daqian, 蔚蓝@MEET.ONE, Victor, DuoBaaa, xpm, 大鸿@EOS纽约, 七七, Angelia, Undertaker, 少康, 小胖Franco, Connie, LYNN.Z, 陈晓峰@EOS引力区, 马静, 荆凯@EOS42, Bean, Larry, Evan, j , 开开, 乐呵呵, MICHAELZHANG, ning, eosBLACK, Brian@EOS Amsterdam, 春夏秋冬又一春, Cypress, 爱吃柚子的魏魏, 林明, Kevin@Everipedia, 杨文海, pan, 吴子臻@Chaince……(if you or someone you know participated and is not listed send a DM and we get you added!)

The constitutional discussion has also received strong support from BP and DAPP:

EOS Cannon, EOSGravity, EosStore, MEET.ONE, EOS Laomao, EOSPacific, GEOS, MACE, EOS Amsterdam, EOS BIXIN, Oath Protocol, EOS Nation, shEOS, EOS Sweden, EOS Asia, EOS42, EOS Go, EOS New York, Everipedia, KARMA, HireVibes, TokenPocket, chaince, EACF, eosDAC……(if you or someone you know participated and is not listed send a DM and we get you added!)

Project Synchronize
Part 2 of Constitutional Referendum Series


Week 1:

We Invited (EOS Canada, EOS nation, EOS Authority, EOS Asia) seminars on the development and deployment of referendum tools, as well as some wallet suppliers to participate in discussions.

Participating teams:

TokenPocket, MEET.ONE, Wheat Wallet, EOS Canon, Bitt Wallet, StartEOS, PocketEOS , Hola, imtoken, NEWDEX, Whale, chaince, BIGONE, EOSPark, OATH, Everipedia.org… (in no particular order)

Week 2:

Work arrangements were made for the referendum tools, constitutional content, constitutional version, and referendum marketing preparations, and officially began to follow up and promote the work in all aspects.

Week 3:

The constitutional content and constitutional version of the discussion continued; the referendum marketing group WEOS was formally established, and the volunteers in the community were called upon to brainstorm and deploy the publicity plan; the referendum tool access work was completed, and the referendum tutorial was announced. In this week, the working group began to upgrade the media account, with the core tasks of SEO and expanding community tension, and added media accounts such as Sina Weibo and Sina Blog. And start trying out the cooperation of the external community. At the same time, the working group once again clarified the task of each person.

Week 4:

The working group did some exploration into:

- Conference invitation poster design, scan code to join the conference

- Starting to organize the wallet, the introduction of tools to more people

- Try the conversation class “Chat as you like.”

During the weekly meeting, some overseas community members expressed their interest in the Chinese community. The issue of the constitution and the question of ecaf were discussed enthusiastically.

Week 5:

The working group’s media volume began rapid increase, with the first microblog getting more than 5,000 readers, “Chat as you like” total participation of more than 25 people, the average reading of a single article exceeded 300. The currency has a revenue of over 700 and the number of likes exceeds 20.

Week 6:

This week, “Chat as you like” slowed, and community members we less engaged. The working group considered modifying the structure. Also, regarding external cooperation, social media activities brought more than 4,000 hits to the EOS Alliance. Although there was no direct effect, after the event, the WeChat public account also grew. It appears that community members have found the organization.

“Chat as you like” participants:

萧炎儿、time brand、GEEKEE@TokenPocke、小仙女@仙女座科技、依玄、米妮、杨海英、TZ、引力区COO、遁一、石頭、EOS42@荆凯、EOS硅谷 Bo、eosvote.com管理员、杨敏 EOSPark.com、PZ、沐沐、Kevin Xia、海鸥@Mike、aLex@sw/eden、EosStore@Evy、Panko、BitPortal@星魂、DuoBaaa、Max Mario、Diomon董、哲欣、召云、谢洛洛不早期、四百、冬泥大幕、流血的韭菜、自我催眠、小螳螂、Achilles、海落樱、林明、区块佣兵……

■ Discussion results

1.Tool preparation

Access to referendum sponsors include: TokenPocket, MEET.ONE, EOSLIVE, EOSPark, Wheat Wallet, EOSX, BitPortal, EOS Canon

2. Marketing preparation

We attempted the same marketing method as the meetings (the invitation picture of the meeting, etc., tried twice, but text marketing worked better).

Public voting video: https://v.qq.com/x/page/a0828wzbisc.html

Special thanks for this infographic, provided by EOS Nation,

3.Constitutional Building Discussed:

■ Amsterdam (Korea, Russia) integrated version
■ EOS New York version
■ B1 version

Public Discussion Events

In recent sessions in China, we invited foreign teams to China for training using the Chinese community’s media platforms which have more than 300,000 followers. So far, EOS Alliance has been exposed more than 150 millions times.

1. EOS42: reg_producer Proposal Discussion

2. EOS New York: User Agreement Proposal Discussion

3. Thomas: voting ballot production training

4. EOS Café: on REX — What is it? How it works? Rex4all VS REX, why you should vote, and how it benefits a token holder.

Community building

At present, there are three types of organizational opportunities for mobile and PC-side software or social platforms. They are the Global Convention Discussion and Organization Coordination Group, the Chinese Community Discussion and WeChat Group, and the Chinese Community Panel. More than 430 participants, covering more than 20 countries and regions, covering English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian. The following is a partial list. I believe that as the community grows and grows, the list will grow longer

1. Global Constitutional Discussion and Organizational Coordination Group

EOSIO Gov: Global discussion on constitutional and governance issues, 3025 people

EOS Alliance Group Facilitators: Constitution Discussion Organization and Coordination Telegraph 61.

2. Chinese community discussion and organization of WeChat group

EOS Alliance: Constitution discussion inthe Chinese community, 188 people

EOS Alliance Moderator F: Chinese Community Discussion Organization Coordination Group, 31 people.

3. Chinese Community Panel

In order to discuss specific constitutional issues in depth, the Chinese community has established several work groups.

SpaceX team

Discussion topic: The positioning and scope of arbitration. MC: Ma Jing

Justitia team

Discussion topic: How to ensure that the nodes are fair and equitable and how to prevent bribery. MC: Justitia Vivi & Cai Cai

Angel team

Discussion topic: How to prevent customers who use the exchange from voting for EOS? MC: Fang Jia

Unicorn team

Discussion topic: How to ensure the independence and fairness of code intent decisions? MC: Luna

Tranquil team

Discussion topic: Specification of BP system rights; must the contract be open source? MC: Zhao Yu, Yvonne, locals

Water team

Discussion topic: Scope of Referendum, MC: Wang Buji

Intrusion team

Discussion topic: Implementation of the Convention, MC: Hu Bo

Helios team

Discussion topic: How to promote the universalization and education of the Convention in the community? MC: Azure

Cluster team

Discussion topic: Free market competition of the arbitral tribunal, MC: Connie

Social Media Deployment

To continuously and effectively disseminate the results of the constitutional discussions and relevant marketing, promotion platforms have been established and are listed below and if applicable with number of articles posted in parentheses:

WeChat public platform (32)
BIHU (45)
JINSE (42)
JianShu (21)
Sina Weibo

MEETONE, GravityNews, Whale News, TP News, IMEOS and other cooperating platforms

Up to now, we have published a total of 20 articles, 20 newsletters, and 3 microblogs, with a total reading volume of 1.2w+ (only microblogging has brought more than 5,300 readings). In addition, there is a total of 4,179 people participating in the technology industry punching activities, bringing 4,179 person-times to EOS Alliance

EOS Alliance’s homepage has 1.32 million page views

EOS Alliance’s bihu homepage has 160 fans (China steemit)

The Chinese community’s media platform has more than 300,000 followers. So far, EOS Alliance has been exposed more than 150 millions times.

Looking Ahead in 2019

Based on the results of the work set in 2018, EOS Alliance will continue to advance its governance, technology and media work in 2019, to make The EOS Alliance the number one platform for the community.

  1. Community Governance

From the 2018 community governance discussions, with the support of the referendum platform, an expert group on governance issues will be established to build a standard and standardized community consensus mechanism, and EOS Alliance will be the core engine of the EOS referendum.

2. Technology Building

In 2019, based on the discussions of governance content, we will sponsor work groups in the technical field, to connect experts in the community on technology issues, identify technical problems and communic those to the BLOCK ONE development team. With a further goal to build a platform for community technology exchanges, striving to become a champion for the development of EOS technology.

3. Media Growth

Increasing Media presence will continue to be a priority, including enlarging the number of media articles and microblog postings, and expanding useful content of conference discussions.

The EOS Alliance has built a deep presence in the Chinese community and with a brand effect, is deeply rooted in the EOS ecosystem.



EOS Alliance

Empowering EOS For All - we strive to inform everyone and provide a platform for collaborative decision making. https://eosalliance.io