Most wanted dApps for EOS

EOS Community Forum
4 min readNov 28, 2017


The EOS-testnet will go live in several days as the devs are ahead of schedule.

We’re almost there. Dawn 2 ladies en gentlemen

Dawn 2 will be the first iteration of EOS as a real P2P-network. And that’s a great moment to ask yourself: What dApps would we like to see/test on EOS? What makes you excited about EOS? In this post I’ll write some of my own visions in this topic. But feel free to join our EOS Community Forum and share yours.

1. A nice wallet

The whole idea of crypto-currencies is based on wallets and moving coins from A to B. That doesn’t mean things are easy to use. It’s the opposite actually, a lot of people are scared away from crypto after seeing these weird addresses in the first place. EOS promised us the use of easy public names just like a Twitter-account allows you to communicate with a simple username. The wallet should show you a nice overview of all your different coins and the a whole history of transactions. Moving money from A to B should be as easy as replying to a tweet is. Just click and go. It should also allow small amounts to be transferred with a mobile App.

2. The ultimate ICO dApp

Do we really need a dApp for that? The answer is yes. ICOs are a driving force for both Bitcoin and Ethereum. MaidSafe and Ethereum were the first big ICOs in 2014 using the Bitcoin blockchain to transfer crowdfund money to their projects. A lot has happened since then but ICOs are still a combination of checking a website with a countdown timer waiting for an address to appear. And we’ve see several cases where websites were hacked during a busy ICO leading to millions being moved to some by criminals owned ethereum address. A good ICO dApp could end this all. It should allow people to get all the info they need, have a close look at the contract and then to decide to join in just one click. A pop-up should ask you if you really want to move x amount of EOS-tokens to “Project-XYZ” without any long addresses needed.

3. A cheap, fast decentralized exchange (DEX)

EtherDelta is a really nice exchange on the Ethereum blockchain and it’s doing an impressing amount of trades these days. Still though, it sometimes takes up to 60 seconds before a new block on Ethereum is found. That means that your order doesn’t show up in the orderbook for that period. It also takes at least another block for a trade to happen. On EOS we should see several decentralized exchanges that offer orders/trades/stoplosses to act within a second. From a user perspective it should be as fast as a transaction at Bitfinex, Binance or Poloniex. It could even be faster than that! There should be no need to wait for any ICO-token to show up on an exchange as you should always be able to trade as fast or even faster on EOS itself. Any project doing an ICO could easily make the contract in a way that the tokens are locked for 1 or 2 weeks while being free to be traded anywhere after that. And here’s the promising thing: A DEX on EOS offers free trading. That means no transaction costs at all! You could be asked to stake some EOS-tokens in a dApp-contract to get more bandwidth from the Block producers, but these tokens aren’t gone. It’s just staking (but only if needed).

4. Let’s get social

I guess Julian isn’t the only one craving for a real decentralized social media platform. EOS Block Producers have the option to block an account, but only if all BPs agree for an x-amount of time and with over 80% consensus. That is a way to block the real evil users, while leaving everybody else at rest. And even if some BPs started to block ordinary accounts for some vocal opinion the dApp-creators could vote them out quite fast. My expectation is that EOS will not only make the tech more decentralized but also the “user agreement”-part of social networks. Control should be in the hands of the users and not in the hands of some corporation.

5. Your media, your channel

Making a vlog or filming a sketch all depends on your ideas and your creativity. And you should be the one deciding when (and if) to take it offline. There are numerous examples of vloggers on YouTube getting their videos “demonetized” which means YouTube decides that your videos can’t make you any money. And it’s even worse. A number of popular videos/accounts got banned from YouTube for being offensive. And that is quite a broad term isn’t it? Who decides what is offensive? D. Tube is a welcome project here. It works with STEEM and IPFS.

Because of the decentralized nature of IPFS and STEEM, D.Tube is not able to censor videos, nor enforce guidelines. Only the users can, through the power of their votes and downvotes.

Now D. Tube isn’t as smooth as YouTube yet, but it’s already quite good. Especially for the fact that it’s using a blockchain in the backend.

These are only 5 small ideas/examples for dApps on EOS. There’s a whole community filled with hundreds more. We can only hope that the first examples arrive at the upcoming testnet so we as users can test some stuff as well. Amazing times ahead!

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EOS Community Forum

A discussion forum about EOS, a powerful infrastructure for decentralized applications.