EOS Gravity | Interview Series | eosDAC

It is an honor to have the opportunity to interview eosDAC,which is a Decentralised Autonomous Community, run by 12 custodians voted in by token holders.They do a lot for the EOS ecosystem.

EOS Gravity
6 min readOct 17, 2018

Question 1

Why and when did you start eosDAC?Could you please briefly introduce eosDAC to Chinese Community ? Such as goals, projects, core values, principles, organization etc.

eosDAC was born out of the idea that we can create new ways for people to collaborate on ideas and be rewarded for the value that they create. A DAC is a new way for communities to align the interests of the members towards a common goal.

eosDAC has the mission to allow other DACs to thrive on the EOS mainnet. A DAC allows any community to organise itself and we need to create software which will allow it to operate. The software includes an election contract which allows token holders to vote on who will run the DAC, as well as contracts for worker proposals so that the DAC can employ people to do work.

Since EOS is a decentralised network, eosDAC adds another layer of decentralisation and it seemed like a perfect fit to create a block producer who’s control is decentralised.

We very strongly believe that DACs are the way that people will cooperate in the future and that many of the DApps running on EOS will need the software that we provide to run in a decentralised way. The ecosystem of EOS is our highest priority because if we can encourage innovation on EOS then the value within the chain will grow and everyone benefits.

We encourage anyone who is considering creating a DAC to contact us so that we can work together to make our DAC Toolkit useful to as many people as possible.

Question 2

Most of BPs are traditional corporate management and operations. eosDAC is a Decentralised Autonomous Community, run by 12 custodians voted in by token holders. Could you please introduce this operating model?What challenges does this model facing?How did you solve these problems?

Having a board of 12 custodians is not much different from having a large company with a board of directors.

We do face additional challenges, we are very keen to create a very distributed and multi-national DAC and these may bring additional challenges in the future.

Most of the problems we face today relate to usage of the technology, we rely on multi-sig accounts to control the operations of the DAC but the code is not there yet to allow our custodians to easily review and approve proposals which affect eosDAC. At the moment a lot of the technical work is done by our technical team but once we open custodian elections fully, we will have the tools which will allow anyone to participate.

Question 3

How does eosDAC think about EOS ? Do you think which parts are the most attractive aspacts for EOS ?What’s your plans for building communities and EOS ecosystem?

By far the greatest feature of EOS is not within the code, it is the amazing community which has formed globally in such a short time. Within eosDAC we are currently focused on broadening our community beyond the English speaking nations. This is a learning process for all of us as we get to know other cultures around the world.

Question 4

Can you briefly introduce what eosDAC have done to EOS community and ecosystem?

Since before the launch we have been actively involved in the community and we were also heavily involved in the technical launch of the chain. Since launch we have been focussed on creating our DAC Toolkit which will allow anyone to create their own DAC with a click of a button.

Building the Toolkit has proven to be very challenging but we are pleased to say that we are very close to launching our DAC, custodian registration opened recently and we welcome people from all over the world to nominate themselves as a candidate and get involved!

Question 5

Has eosDAC developed smart contract on EOS ? Some people said EOS is not very friendly to developers.It’s not easy to develop application.Does eosDAC agree these viewpoints?

We very strongly disagree with this viewpoint. We have written very complex smart contracts and I am not sure if they would even be possible on other blockchains.

EOS uses C++ as its development language which means that existing developers can get up to speed on development on EOS.

By far the best features for us are the ability to update contracts and the permissions system which is very powerful and unique within the blockchain industry.

Question 6

In China, EOS is a hot topic.Many media and communities are discussing it.It is very exciting.EOS Gravity has held many EOS meetups. How is the situation in UK. We are curious that whether EOS are also a hot topic in UK. Are people interested in EOS? Or they are more passionate about other blockchain, such as BTC and ETH?

We have been involved in London EOS Meetups since last year and I have seen it bloom from a few people to hundreds of people coming each week. People all over the world are realising that the dreams of DAapps are coming true and they are looking for a fully-featured blockchain where they can use their imagination.

Question 7

In some countries, the government is not very friendly to cryptocurrency. Could you please tell us about the attitude of the British government toward cryptocurrency? What do they think about cryptocurrency?

The British Government seems to be taking a “wait and see” approach to cryptocurrency. I think that most Governments realise that this is a revolutionary technology and they are reluctant to stamp on it too hard incase it has a negative impact on their future economy.

DACs are a totally new way for people to organise, and naturally Governments are wary of scams and other bad behaviour in the industry. At eosDAC we have spent months and hundreds of man-hours to develop best practices for DACs and it is our hope that one day we can create a legitimate legal entity for them.

Question 8

What problems do you think EOS governance has? How to solve these problems?

I think the priority for EOS governance at the moment is to ratify the constitution via referendum. At the moment we are in limbo and we need better direction on how this chain will look and operate. At eosDAC we fully support the referendum process and look forward to a ratified constitution which will give clarity to developers and DApps.

Question 9

How does eosDAC think about that EOS BPs obeyed ECAF arbitration order to freeze some EOS accounts?

eosDAC were one of the block producers which approved the account freezing. We do not take this lightly at all, but there was evidence provided at the time which proves that the accounts were requested to be frozen by their legitimate owners.

This was a very difficult decision to make because we believe very strongly in the principles of decentralisation and blockchain, but after reviewing the requests we have decided that it is prudent to freeze these accounts until their status can be more thoroughly reviewed. If there are any mistakes then we can very easily unfreeze the accounts (it would only take one block producer to do this)

Question 10

EOS Alliance hosted opening call of Constitution Referendum Series.Here are two topics they are discussing.May i know what you think about it?

What is the most important thing Constitution must do for EOS Mainnet? And why?

What are you most worried about regarding the Constitution of EOS Mainnet? Why — what do you fear might happen?

I believe that the fundamental requirement of governance on any blockchain is to allow it’s members to be able to make decisions. Probably the worst outcome is that we are unable to make any decisions at all.

If you have any questions want to ask eosDAC or other group,please write down your questions.

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Take care and best of luck!

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EOS Gravity

A top Block Producer with the biggest community in China. Through block, through gravity.