EOS Inbox: A new block explorer that looks more like an email client

EOS Inbox
5 min readFeb 18, 2019


EOS Inbox is a new type of block explorer that aims to provide a simple yet powerful interface for exploring any EOS account. It currently supports the EOS Mainnet, Jungle Testnet, and the Kylin Testnet. The following are some of the key features that EOS Inbox provides:

  • Folders for grouping account activity
  • Custom labels for tagging and filtering actions
  • Sort and group account activity by date
  • Expandable action details
  • Account balance page that shows running balance of all EOS transfers
  • Custom theme colors for the Mainnet, Jungle Testnet, and Kylin Testnet
  • Permissions page which shows custom permissions and linked actions
  • Dark Theme
  • Mobile friendly

Getting Started

To start using EOS Inbox all you need to do is go to https://eosinbox.io and enter any EOS account name similar to how you would search for an account on other block explorers. By default the Mainnet is selected but you can use the dropdown on the right to change the network if needed. In this example, we will be loading the pixeos1paint account.

After entering an EOS account name you can select the NEXT button which will load the account.

By default the All folder is selected which shows all of the actions for the selected account. Actions are grouped by date and sorted by newest to oldest. You can change the sort order by selecting the Sort By option if desired. You can view the details for a particular action by clicking on one of the action list items. For example, in the image below you can see the contract, action name, authorizer, status, and action data for the selected action. There is also an Action and Transaction tab that you can select to get additional information on the action.

To change the selected account, you can click on the account name in the upper right corner and select the Change Account button as shown in the image below.


EOS Inbox provides folders and custom labels for filtering actions.

Folders are used to filter actions based on whether the action was sent or received by the selected account and also the status of the action. The following folders are available:

  • All: all actions associated with the selected account
  • Inbox: actions received by the selected account
  • Sent: actions sent by the selected account
  • Pending: actions that are not yet irreversible

Labels are used to tag actions with custom label names that are easily identifiable and to filter actions based on a specific label. A label consists of a name, color, and set of conditions that must be satisfied in order for the label to be applied to an action.

EOS Inbox provides a few default labels for some of the basic system actions but a user can also create custom labels to organize their account activity based on their own preferences. Currently labels are stored in the browsers local cache so they are persisted across sessions when using the same browser. To create a custom label, you can select the Create New Label button in the sidebar. This will display a dialog where you can specify the name of the label and any conditions that must be satisfied for the label to be applied to an action. In the image below, we’re creating a label called Pixeos that will be be applied to all actions on the pixeos1paint account/contract.

Running Account Balance

EOS Inbox provides an EOS Balance page which shows all EOS token transfers with a running balance for the selected account. This page can be used to track the history of incoming and outgoing EOS tokens for a particular account as shown in the image below.


The votes page displays the block producers that the selected account is currently voting for. If the account is voting via a proxy, then the proxy name will be displayed along with the block producers that the proxy is voting for. The vote power is displayed to indicate how much the vote weight has decreased, vote weight decreases every week if your vote is not recast. In the example below, the current vote weight is 94% of the initial vote weight.

What else can you do with EOS Inbox?

In addition to the features shown above, you can also view token balances, permissions, contract information, blockchain status information, staked balances, etc. New features are continuously being added so please visit https://eosinbox.io to check out the latest features.


If you enjoy using EOS Inbox and would like to support the project, you can donate to the eosinboxdapp account using the memo donate. EOS Inbox is an independent project and all donated funds will go toward the continued development of new features.

If you would like to get in contact with EOS Inbox you can email us at contact@eosinbox.io.

Disclaimer: EOS Inbox is still in beta testing and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information displayed.

