EOS Inbox Integrates With Transit API

EOS Inbox
3 min readMar 27, 2019


EOS Inbox has integrated with the Transit API to support voting and staking using your favorite signature provider.

The Transit API is an open source project that is being developed by EOS New York. It allows dapps to integrate with multiple signature providers in a seamless way. EOS Inbox has integrated with the Transit API to allow users to perform actions such as voting and staking using their favorite signature provider or wallet.

Signature Providers

EOS Inbox currently supports the Scatter Desktop and Lynx signature providers with more coming soon. When performing an action in EOS Inbox such as voting, you will be prompted to select a signature provider to sign the transaction. Certain signature providers (i.e. wallets) will only be visible when accessing EOS Inbox from the wallet’s dapp explorer.

EOS Inbox also supports a Command Line option for those who prefer to use CLI tools such as cleos or eosc. The command line option is primarily for advanced users who want to sign their transactions while still being able to use EOS Inbox to build the unsigned transaction data. As you can see below, the cleos command for voting can be easily copied and executed without having to manually build out the command. This feature can facilitate offline signing of transactions as well.


You can now vote for your favorite block producers or proxy using EOS Inbox! The votes page is available via the Votes link in the sidenav. You can select up to 30 block producers or you can select a proxy. There is also a search feature and a filter to only show the producers/proxy that you’ve selected.

Staking EOS

The account details panel now has a Stake and Unstake button as shown below.

When staking or unstaking your EOS, the receiver account will default to the current account that you’re viewing. You can enter a different value for the receiver account if desired. After clicking Submit, you will be able to select a signature provider for signing the transaction.

After the transaction is submitted to the blockchain, you will get a notification in the bottom left of the screen to indicate the status of the transaction. You can then click the View Details button on the notification to get additional information on the transaction as shown below.

That’s all for now but stay tuned for plenty of new features coming soon!

If you would like to get in contact with EOS Inbox you can email us at contact@eosinbox.io.

Disclaimer: EOS Inbox is still in beta testing and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information displayed.

