EOS Genesis Lost Key Recovery System is headed to the Jungle

EOS Nation
2 min readApr 5, 2019


The EOS Genesis Lost Key Recovery System is in the final stages of deployment to the Jungle test network. It will undergo extensive testing before it’s submitted for approval to the top 21 EOS Mainnet Block Producers. 15/21 will need to approve deployment of the smart contract before genesis account holders can begin using the automated system to recover their lost keys.

In the meantime, EOS Authority has made it easy to track our progress and check if your account is eligible for a key swap.

Only unused EOS accounts that were registered to Ethereum addresses prior to the Mainnet launch will be eligible for a key recovery. As of April 4, there are 97,205 of these unused genesis accounts containing a combined 89.68 million EOS.

Key swaps can be requested by anyone able to sign a transaction with the Ethereum key associated to that account. The EOS account holder can simply use the account within 30 days to cancel the swap.

This community effort began in late December when members of eosDAC, LibertyBlock, EOS Authority, EOS Nation, and others began exploring a solution. They continue to meet each week to check in on progress and are looking forward to delivering an automated solution for lost EOS genesis keys as soon as possible.

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