EOS Hot Sauce volume 6 by EOS Nation

REX is Coming

The wait for REX will soon be over as the tests, done mainly by EOS Authority, have been finished. Step 1 and Step 2 of deployment has been approved and Step 3 will finalize the process. REX stands for Resource Exchange. The purpose of REX is to reduce app’s operating costs, improve resource utilization, and provide the community with an investment product on chain. In previous Hot Sauces we covered Chintai, which is another exchange of resources. If you want to learn about the differences, The EOSWriter released a comparison of both Exchanges.

You can track the main net REX progress at EOS Authority.

While REX on the main net still needed to be approved, the BOS Chain, an EOSIO Sidechain, had deployed REX successfully and users can buy BOS REX tokens via Tokenpocket already.

EFFECT.AI ready for action

Get ready for the EFX swap from NEO to EOS! Effect.AI’s token swap starts on April 30th and their recent newsletter shares lots of updates! We encourage you to learn more about their staking algorithm called ‘’Stake AGE”. Spoiler: The longer you stake, the more it’s valuable.

The team also introduced a new governance token called NFX, which is also generated through staking EFX. Effect.ai plans to become a DAC and the NFX token will be used for gaining access to the DAC environment and making decisions for the DAC via voting.

Effect.Ai also will continue to cooperate with Switcheo, since both worked closely in the NEO ecosystem and also both recently chose to utilize the EOS Blockchain. Which leads us to our next topic.

Cross Chain DEX by Switcheo and Obolus

Switcheo partners with Obolus to open a decentralized EOS exchange.

Known for being the go-to DEX for the NEO platform, Switcheo soon will act as a bridge between the EOS and NEO ecosystem. The on-chain matching engine designed by Obulus promises, among other features, improvements in key delegation.

The new DEX will also introduce a proprietary staking system so that users unfamiliar with staking for EOS Network resources won’t run into problems. It allows users to simply trade between different blockchains (EOS, NEO, ETH) without requiring separate wallet and software for each of the blockchains, all that is needed is a Switcheo Account.

Welcome to the EOS Ecosystem.

If you want to get to know the people behind Switcheo and Obulus a bit better we recommend watching or listening to the interview they gave to the EOS Podcast.

EQUILIBRIUM — A new crypto backed stable coin

Premiered at the EOS WORLD EXPO Equilibrium is an already functioning “Maker Dao style” stable coin, with a highly experienced team behind it. The coin is called EOSDT and is overcollateralized at a minimum of 170 %. Furthermore, it has an interesting governance model via the NUT (Native Utility Token), which lets holders decide how much risk they want to tolerate by finding consensus on governable parameters.

There are already 174,045.01 EOSDT generated with currently 92,710.19 EOS collateralized.

Go check it out and generate your first EOSDT

Insights Network migrating to EOSIO

The Insights Network team announced their token migration from Ethereum ERC-20 to INSTAR, a Blockchain based on EOSIO. Instar is aiming to create a trustless and decentralized data exchange. Currently, InstarWallet is allowing users to earn cryptocurrency for participating in polls and surveys, similar to Lumeos.

Even though the Blockchain is quite new it climbed up to the Top 10 of Block’tivity and has already 250,000 approved members and over 180,000 operations per day. INSTAR made a couple of changes to the original EOSIO protocol, one of them is free account creation.

Check it out at InstarWallet.com.

BEOS Rainfall started

BEOS or Bitshares on EOS have started their token distribution, which is called Rainfall and will be happening for a total of 90 days. In order to take part, you have to own Bitshares tokens and send them through a gate to the BEOS Chain.

If you are interested in participating watch the how-to guide.

If you want to learn more check out this interview with Stan Larimer on Trybe Tv

Liberland using EOSIO software

The Free Republic of Liberland, a sovereign nation founded on 13th April 2015, is building a Decentralized Autonomous Government (DAG) and after researching various blockchain protocols it was decided to utilize the EOSIO protocol as an operating system.

The country will collaborate with the independent tech collective Ghostbusters which will advise on the use of blockchain technology and will build the necessary tools to implement Liberland’s DAG. It’s gonna be very interesting to see how this country and its society will develop and also what the EOS community will learn from this real-world use case.

Read more here.

EOS Nation on Air

EOS Nation has put up an MSIG proposal for retiring aka burning the unused funds in the eosio.saving account, which were accumulated through the 4% annual inflation.

Yves La Rose will be explaining the reasoning behind this proposal Live on EOS Radio on the 24th of April 13:00 EST. Tune in to the episode here!

Make sure to subscribe to EOS Radio’s new YouTube Channel.

Also EOS Nation’s COO Daniel Keyes went on air at the EOS Town Hall show for an AMA regarding the automated solution for Lost Keys, which is another project that EOS Nation is involved in.

If you are interested in the code take a look here: https://github.com/eosdac/eosio.lost


PixEOS’ #B1June Meme Contest

June will come soon and while waiting we can express our excitement creatively.

In this spirit, PixEOS started their Meme contest. The first prize wins 50 EOS!

The contest runs till the 26th of April. We can’t wait for the results.

EOS Nation is a top Block Producer on the EOS Mainnet. Let’s connect:

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