SimplEOS v0.9.3 is out!

Connect with your favorite dApps, login to WAX mainnet, auto claim your GBM rewards, and much more!

5 min readAug 29, 2019

EOS Rio team is glad to announce SimplEOS latest release: version 0.9.3 with dApps interaction!

Download: always through our GitHub or our Website. That’s the best way to avoid scammers. Just download the last version, install it and it will replace the older version.

- For Windows: .exe
- For Mac: .dmg
- For Linux: .appImage or .deb, SimplEOS is also available at Linux Snap Store

Note: Windows may give a warning asking you to accept because we haven’t purchased Microsoft code signing Certificate yet. We are in the process of acquiring it.

New Features:

Interact with dApps - Transit API integration

you can now log in and use your favorite dApps with SimplEOS.
The dApp must be integrated with the Transit API by EOS New York.

Here’s a quick example using

• WAX Mainnet Support

WAX — Worldwide Asset eXchange — is a new EOSIO based blockchain designed to create, buy, sell, and trade virtual items. If you want to know more about them, check

SimplEOS already supports all main features of WAX, and we even implemented some specific features like auto-claim GBM rewards:

- Auto-Claim your GBM rewards on WAX:
GBM (Genesis Block Member) Rewards are available for all members that claimed their WAX tokens on the period of June 30 to August 30, 2019.

SimplEOS has the option to claim the rewards manually, but for extra convenience, we added the option to automatically claim the rewards daily, whenever your computer is turned on.

This creates a permission that is only used to claim the rewards and to recast your vote for maximum rewards turnout.

• Light / Dark theme

This is a very asked request from the past, light theme for those non-nocturnal creatures!

Previous 0.8.0 Features:

we never made a post about them; they also deserve some love ♥

• Full REX interface on EOS, BOS, Jungle, and Kylin

For those interested on REX (Resources Exchange), you can interact with REX on different chains. To do so, go to the REX page on the left menu.

- Borrow/Lend EOS resources using REX
SimplEOS’s users can lend and borrow EOS resources — CPU and NET bandwidth — by interacting with REX. This rental market offers risk-free passive income to core token holders buying REX and cheaper resources for those renting from the pool.

Buy / Sell REX
Borrow CPU / NET

- REX Price and Borrowing Cost Charts
As described on, REX token is not tradable with third parties. It is merely a convenient accounting unit which can only be directly bought and sold from and to the pool. The core token value always increases, but the return rate is determined by the level of rental activity. On the REX section, users are now able to check REX/EOS price and borrowing cost through dynamic charts.

• Proxy List & Voting

On SimplEOS 0.7.2 users could already vote for proxies using our contracts page. Version 0.8.1 was built with a voting interface for proxies to improve UX, and it helps users to attend REX’s premises: vote for 21 block producers or for a proxy.

• Hyperion History with action/date filters

On previous versions, history stood under maintenance, and SimplEOS redirected users to check actions and transfers on block explorers. For now on, history is back on track using Hyperion History, and users can filter their actions to help account management.

• On-chain update checking

SimplEOS will show the user when there’s a new version available, redirecting users to EOS Rio’s website or GitHub, facilitating access to future improvements.

SimplEOS Roadmap

For the next releases, we are working on:

- Ledger Integration

We had setbacks in the past allowing Ledger integration to SimplEOS because of our unique ease of multiple accounts feature. The latest releases of the Ledger software allow us to make the integration in the way we want.

- MSIG Signing

Feature to easily sign multisigs that you are a part of!

- Keep improving

- Mobile Version

Our devs are working on porting SimplEOS to a mobile version to be released on the mid-term future.

We hope the community likes this past updates as much as we liked working on it! Please send us feedback; listening to users is the best way of improving our tools.

If any doubts appear during usage, our beloved bot @simpleos_bot on Telegram might help you. Feel free to pose questions and type suggestions for improvement :)

Made with ♥️ by EOS Rio












We want to positively impact billions of people around the world through distributed ledger technologies.