The 2nd EOS Community Conference recap!

Discover everything that happened at the 2nd EOS Community Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on October 16.

9 min readDec 5, 2019

The 2nd EOS Community Conference (ECC) followed the steps of the Seoul event last year and was designed to allow relevant discussions to take place. It was created for the community and with the community as EOS Nation hosted 10 open Agenda Calls to co-create the ECC content. Teams from 20+ countries attended the conference, including EOS Rio and EOS Argentina co-hosts of the event, EOS Cannon, eosDAC, Attic Lab, EOS Sw/eden, EOS Cafe Block, CryptoLions, EOS Israel, Equilibrium, Greymass, EOS Rapid, EOS Costa Rica, EOS Venezuela, shEOS, EOS Detroit and others.

Talks and panels explored the most pressing issues on the network, delivering novel insights and points of view contributing to the debate, and setting the stage for the Unconference on the following days.

It was possible to offer an inside view on the Blockchain scene in Latin America, insights on technological innovation happening in the ecosystem, applications, and governance discussions.

Check out all the talks and panels below:

Opening Speech — Reigniting the Magic

Speaker: Yves La Rose [CEO — EOS Nation]

Yves gave a very inspirational opening speech, tracing the history of EOS mainnet and all the events that took us to where we are today. He rekindled that collective sense of purpose we all had since EOS mainnet launching days.

Track 1: How EOSIO can help solve LATAM’s problems

Since it was the first time the EOS Community Conference was hosted in Brazil, a South American and 3rd-world country, we wanted to dedicate the first track of the conference to educate and call attention to the problems we face and how blockchain, specifically EOSIO, can solve them.

Lecture II — The State of Blockchain in LATAM

Speaker: Alberto Guerrero [CEO — EOS Venezuela]

Alberto gave an overview of the economic situation in Venezuela and why blockchain is so relevant for Latin America, promoving alternative methods of payment with freedom and transparency.

Alberto also presented FamilyEOS, a project using EOSIO, dedicated to helping low-income families in Venezuela go through the country’s crisis.

Lecture III — Mutual Loan

Speaker: Sebastian Valdecantos [EOS Argentina]

Continuing on the momentum on why EOSIO can bring a lot of change to the LATAM ecosystem, Sebastian enlighted us about the concept of mutual loan and community currencies.

He explained Moneda Par, a project he has been working on with EOS Argentina. Moneda Par is establishing community currencies with zero interest rates, amid local communities suffering from Argentina’s economic recession.

Panel A — Approaches do Stablecoins

Host: Matías Romeo [EOS Argentina]

– Myles Snider [Greymass]
– Alex Melikhov [Equilibrium]
– Jun Dam [100x & Bitcash]

Myles started a project called the stablecoin index to compare all current stablecoins, and was interested in stablecoins since BitShares old days. Alex is the CEO of Equilibrium, a framework to create stablecoins backed by digital assets. Jun is the founder of Bitcash, a collateralized stablecoin system.

Together with the host Matías, they enlightened the audience about the specifics of stablecoins, compared their project’s models and other project models, and told the importance of stablecoins in blokchain.

Track 2: Technology track

Lecture IV — BOS 3s LIB

Speaker: Igor Lins e Silva [CTO — EOS Rio]

Igor explained the consensus mechanism on EOS mainnet vs. on the BOS network. He detailed how the 3 seconds LIB improvement on BOS works and how fast finality can bring more possibilities to dApps, EOSIO chains and interblockchain communication.

Igor also proposed a way of improving networking by an optimal peering and optimal schedule of producers.

Lecture V — Zero Knowledge Proof

Speaker: Sergio Yuhjtman [EOS Argentina]

Sergio gave a talk about Zero Knowledge proofs, explained its basic concepts, and talked about a privacy project he is working on alongside Matías Romeo.

Lecture VI — Ghostbustersx & Liberland

Speaker: Michael Yeates [eosDAC]

Michael talked about Liberland, a sovereign state located between Croatia and Serbia and how Ghostbustersx, an independent tech collective, are building the state’s DAG — Decentralized Autonomous Government. Liberland will have their government and its citizens on the blockchain, using EOSIO technology.

TRF + Detroit 2020 + Goodbye to loved ones in the Community

Speaker: Rob Konsdorf [EOS Detroit]

Rob explains the Travel Reimbursment Fund, an initiative maintained by EOS Detroit and that is becoming a tradition in EOS conferences, to give back a little to the community members struggling to be present in the conferences.

He also stated the intetion of hosting the next community conference next year in Detroit. We are thrilled to pass the torch to such a valuable team for the EOSIO community.

Last, we said our goodbyes to the EOS Community members we lost in 2019. Rest in peace dearest David “Doghouse” Margulies & Ali Ayyash, Lumeos CEO.


During break, people enjoyed coffee to refill their energies and received some cool SWAG from awesome sponsors EOS Nation and Boscore!

Track 3: Project’s pitches and use cases

Pitch 1 —

Speaker: Autumn Penaloza [Sheos]

Autumn presented, a private messaging app where you can create an account using an EOS account. You can securely talk to your friends, besides earning and sending tokens in-chat.

Pitch 2— EOS in a Box

Speaker: Ami Heines [EOS in a Box]

Ami presented EOS in a Box, an open source tool where you can deploy your own EOSIO blokchain to make adoption easier for enterprises and developers building on EOSIO.

Pitch 3 —

Speaker: Carter Feldman [EOS Rapid]

Carter introduced, a way of hosting EOS websites linked to your EOS account name so that users can access your dapp on the browser. The tool is currently live, functioning in the beta stage. He also talked about their IDE that will support full-stack EOS dapp development.

Pitch 4 — MYKEY

Speaker: Bean Peng [EOS Cannon]

Bean presented MYKEY, a mobile wallet that uses the KEY ID protocol. MYKEY makes it really simple for users by removing concepts like CPU and NET, replacing it with the simple idea of network credits. Way to mass adoption!

MYKEY is integrated with, a crypto social media blog posting platform, and can be integrated with any dapp using their SDK.

Special Announcement — EOS Cash

Speaker: Vahid Toosi [EOS Sw/eden]

Vahid made a surprise announcement on stage and introduced EOS Cash, a platform-independent and currency inclusive payment protocol. EOS Cash aims to be complementary to EOS, EOS being for smart contracts/dapps, and EOS Cash being for payment usability.

Vahid gave a sneak peek of some of EOS Cash core features. To stay tuned on EOS Cash further announcements, join EOS Cash telegram.

Track 4: Governance Track

Lecture VII — BOS Ecosystem Program

Speaker: Yves La Rose [chairperson — BOS Executive Team]

Yves talked about the BOS Ecosystem Program, which is the WPS (Worker Proposal System) developed for BOS mainnet. Yves explained how it currently works and why the model was able to function on BOS mainnet but not on EOS mainnet

Also, Yves talked about the technical challenges and some core improvements for the future, like micro-grants per month, elections for the BOS executive team based on the Borda model, and bringing everything on chain.

Lecture VIII — What Could an EOS Foundation Look Like?

Speaker: Luke Stokes [eosDAC]

Does EOS need a foundation? If it does, what could it do? Who would be in charge?

Luke deep-dived into this conversation about the creation of an EOS Foundation. The idea would be for it to be a central point of communication to push forward a unified vision, focusing on code, capital and connections.

Right now, Luke is starting this conversation and wanting to know the community’s opinions on this. If you have any insights that you find might be useful in this discussion, reach out to him on telegram @lukestokes!

Panel B— Governance Panel

Host: Thiago Cañellas [EOS Rio]

– Yves la Rose [EOS Nation]
– Van Kai [EOS Cannon]
– Luke Stokes [eosDAC]

In the final panel, Yves and Luke joined the stage again, alongside Van Kai and Cañellas to talk about EOS governance.

The panelists gave their take on the things happening right now on ecosystem, and what are their perspectives on that.

It was a very enthusiastic and passionate panel. Blockchain governance is a diffcult and delicate topic that involves knowledge in a lot of areas, from economics, human motivational psychology, to actual technology and code, so it was really interesting to see their take on things!

We hope those videos can provide you insight into the state of EOS ecosystem. If you would like to keep the conversation going, feel free to join our telegram group.

We want to thank again our amazing co-hosts EOS Argentina and the awesome sponsors of the 2nd EOS Community Conference: platinum sponsor EOS Nation, gold sponsors Boscore and NODE ONE, silver sponsors EOS Cannon and eosDAC!

Also our supporters EOS Detroit, Equilibrium_EOSDT, EOS Venezuela and EOS Costa Rica

See you in Detroit 2020!

EOS Community UnConference 2019 Recap →




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