Missouri Governor Eric Greitens visits Epharmix during launch of Innovation Task Force report

Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2017
Governor 1

Governor Greitens established the Governor’s Innovation Task Force (GITF) on June 19, 2017 to bring together private and public sector leaders from across the State in a nonpartisan effort. He asked the GITF to (1) develop a fact-based perspective on the state of innovation and entrepreneurship in Missouri and (2) suggest options for potential state government actions to promote innovation and new technology start-ups across the state.

On September 5, 2017, members of the steering committee presented a final report to the Governor during an assembly that took place at the Center for Emerging Technologies (CET) within the Cortex Innovation Community district. Before the presentation, Governor Greitens toured our office and participated in a demonstration of our digital healthcare platform to see Missouri innovation in action.

Originally published at Epharmix.

