How to Travel With a Food Allergy

Ephraim Vashovsky
2 min readFeb 20, 2020


Whether you travel for business or pleasure, getting away from home can be an exciting opportunity to try new things. However, if you suffer from food allergies, you’ll have to be more selective with the unfamiliar dishes you try. Here are a few tips for enjoying your exploration of new cultures without putting your health at risk.

Avoid Peanuts

Since peanut allergies cause some of the most severe reactions, you should limit your exposure to peanuts entirely. Ask your airline if they serve peanuts and, if so, notify them that you, or a traveling companion, suffers from a peanut allergy. Usually, the airline will substitute the peanuts for another snack during that flight.

Try the New Gluten Testers

The Nima Portable Gluten Tester will be the first device of its kind to enter the market, but competitors won’t be far behind. These devices are handheld and rely on a $5 capsule to function, although costs of replacement capsules will likely drop as more gluten testers become available. The device will test any food substance to determine whether gluten exists in the product.

Use Food Allergy Apps

Smartphone apps, such as Happy Cow and Allergy Eats, help travelers find safe places to eat in any neighborhood. This is especially helpful when you’re far from familiar places and want to enjoy a nice evening out. You can even pre-plan by looking up restaurants at the airports and cities you’ll be visiting. By contacting them in advance, you can learn about how they handle customers with allergies, so you can determine the safest restaurants to visit on your trip.

Prepare Your Own Meals

You can save money and rest easy knowing your meals are safe when you prepare them yourself. Try to rent accommodations that contain a small kitchenette, so you’ll have the ability to cook meals in your room. You can still eat authentic cuisine that’s unique to the area by looking up recipes online and shopping at local markets.

The best thing you can do is to consider your food requirements as you plan your trip. It can be easier to search for restaurants that cater to people with allergies from your computer. If a restaurant doesn’t mention anything about allergies on their website, send them an email that explains your situation and include any questions that concern you. A little preparation will help you ensure your trip will be safe and enjoyable.



Ephraim Vashovsky

Ephraim Vashovsky is President of Vasco Ventures, one of New York City's leading real estate investment firms |