Epic Book Reviews
10 min readMar 4, 2024


Summary of “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles”

Introduction to “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles”\
“The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is a captivating children’s fantasy novel written by Julie Andrews Edwards, known for her enchanting storytelling and musical talents. The story takes readers on a magical journey to a world unlike any other, filled with wonder, imagination, and the importance of belief.

Setting and Plot Overview\
The narrative unfolds in a mystical land where extraordinary creatures dwell, including the elusive Whangdoodles. Professor Savant, along with three siblings named Ben, Tom, and Lindy, embark on an exhilarating adventure to seek out the last of these remarkable creatures, the Whangdoodles. As they navigate through the fantastical realms created by the genius of the Whangdoodleland, they encounter various obstacles and mysteries that test their courage and wit.

Character Development\
The characters in the book are skillfully crafted, each with unique traits and personalities that contribute to the depth of the story. From the wise and eccentric Professor Savant to the curious and determined siblings, the dynamics between the characters bring richness to the overall narrative. Readers are drawn into their individual journeys of growth, friendship, and discovery as they uncover the secrets of the Whangdoodleland.

Exploration of Imagination and Creativity\
One of the central themes in “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is the power of imagination and creativity. Through the vivid descriptions of Whangdoodleland and its inhabitants, the author encourages readers to embrace their creativity, think outside the box, and believe in the extraordinary. The book serves as a reminder of the magic that can be found in the world around us when we approach life with a sense of wonder and openness.

Overall Impression\
“The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is a timeless tale that sparks the imagination and leaves a lasting impression on readers of all ages. Julie Andrews Edwards weaves together a story that is both whimsical and profound, underscoring the importance of curiosity, friendship, and the boundless possibilities of the mind. This book is a must-read for anyone who dares to dream and seek out the wonders that exist beyond the realm of the ordinary.

Character Analysis in the Book

Exploring the Characters in “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles”

When delving into the world of “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” by Julie Andrews Edwards, it becomes apparent that the characters are intricately crafted and play pivotal roles in the narrative. Let’s explore some of the key characters in this enchanting tale.

Professor Savant:
Professor Savant is a quirky and brilliant character who serves as a mentor to the children in the story. With his eccentric behavior and profound wisdom, he guides the children on their journey to meet the elusive Whangdoodle. His whimsical nature and intellectual depth make him a memorable character that readers resonate with.

Ben, Tom, and Lindy:
The trio of siblings — Ben, Tom, and Lindy — are the heart of the story. Each sibling possesses unique qualities that complement one another. Ben’s logical thinking, Tom’s creativity, and Lindy’s intuition form a perfect synergy during their adventures in the magical world created by the author. Their bond and individual growth throughout the narrative make them relatable and endearing to the readers.

The Whangdoodle:
The Whangdoodle, the mystical creature at the center of the tale, is shrouded in mystery and allure. As the ultimate goal of the children’s quest, the Whangdoodle represents imagination, wonder, and the power of belief. Through encounters with this mythical being, the characters undergo transformation and self-discovery, making the Whangdoodle a symbol of magic and inspiration.

Prock, the companion of the Whangdoodle, adds a touch of humor and loyalty to the storyline. His antics and unwavering dedication to his master bring a light-heartedness to the narrative, balancing the intense moments of the children’s quest. Prock’s presence reinforces the themes of friendship and companionship prevalent throughout the book.

Overall Impact:
The diverse cast of characters in “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” not only entertains readers but also imparts valuable lessons on friendship, courage, and the boundless nature of imagination. Each character contributes uniquely to the narrative, enriching the story and leaving a lasting impression on readers of all ages. Through the characters’ interactions and growth, Julie Andrews Edwards creates a world that is both fantastical and deeply human, resonating with the audience long after the final page is turned.

Themes Explored in the Story

Exploring Themes in “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles”

“The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” by Julie Andrews Edwards is a captivating children’s fantasy novel that delves into several thought-provoking themes that resonate with readers of all ages. One of the central themes of the book is the power of imagination. Through the whimsical adventures of the characters in the book, readers are encouraged to embrace their creativity and see the world through a different lens.

Another prominent theme in the story is the importance of friendship and collaboration. As the characters journey through the fantastical world of Whangdoodleland, they learn the value of working together and supporting one another in the face of challenges. This theme reinforces the idea that true friendships can help overcome obstacles and lead to personal growth.

Furthermore, the novel explores the concept of environmental conservation and respect for nature. In Whangdoodleland, the harmony between the creatures and their environment serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings. This theme encourages readers to appreciate and protect the natural world around them.

Additionally, the theme of self-discovery is prevalent throughout the book. As the characters embark on their quest to find the last of the Whangdoodles, they undergo personal growth and learn more about themselves in the process. This theme inspires readers to embrace their uniqueness and follow their inner voice on the journey of self-discovery.

Overall, “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is a richly themed novel that offers valuable lessons on imagination, friendship, nature, and self-discovery. These themes combine to create a timeless story that continues to enchant and inspire readers around the world.

Writing Style and Language Used

“The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” by Julie Andrews Edwards, renowned actress and author, showcases a captivating writing style that effortlessly weaves together imaginative storytelling with profound themes. Andrews’ narrative is rich in descriptive language that vividly brings the magical world of Whangdoodleland to life. Her use of vivid imagery and poetic language engages readers of all ages, creating a whimsical and enchanting reading experience.

Moreover, Andrews’ writing style is marked by its eloquence and lyrical quality, demonstrating her mastery of the English language. The dialogue between the characters is witty and engaging, adding depth to their personalities and relationships. The author’s ability to evoke emotions and cultivate a sense of wonder through her prose is truly remarkable, making the book a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers decades after its initial publication.

Additionally, Andrews incorporates elements of fantasy and adventure seamlessly into the narrative, appealing to the reader’s sense of curiosity and imagination. The fantastical creatures and whimsical landscapes described in the book are brought to life through the author’s imaginative language, making Whangdoodleland a place that readers long to explore. Andrews’ ability to create a fully realized world with its own set of rules and customs adds layers of depth to the story, making it a compelling and immersive read.

Julie Andrews Edwards’ writing style in “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is a testament to her talent as a storyteller. Through her use of descriptive language, lyrical prose, and fantastical elements, she crafts a narrative that is as enchanting as it is thought-provoking. This book is a true masterpiece that continues to enchant readers of all ages with its magical storytelling and timeless themes.

Impact of the Book on Readers

The Impact of “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” on Readers

“The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is a timeless children’s book that has had a profound impact on readers of all ages since its publication. Written by Julie Andrews Edwards, this fantastical story takes readers on a magical journey filled with wonder, imagination, and important life lessons.

One of the key impacts of this book on readers is its ability to spark creativity and imagination. The vivid descriptions of the Whangdoodles and the magical world of Whangdoodleland transport readers to a place where anything is possible. This has inspired many readers to tap into their own creative abilities and dream big.

Furthermore, the themes of friendship, bravery, and the power of belief resonate with readers on a deep level. The characters in the book, particularly the eccentric Professor Savant and the three siblings, share valuable insights about the importance of working together, facing fears, and never giving up. These positive messages have left a lasting impression on readers, encouraging them to consider important values in their own lives.

Moreover, the emotional depth of the story has touched the hearts of readers around the world. The bond between the siblings and their adventures in Whangdoodleland evoke a range of emotions, from excitement and joy to empathy and reflection. This emotional connection has made the book a beloved favorite for many, with readers often revisiting it time and time again.

In addition, the rich language and descriptive writing style used by Julie Andrews Edwards have been praised for captivating readers and drawing them into the story. The author’s ability to paint vivid pictures with words has allowed readers to fully immerse themselves in the world of the Whangdoodles, making the reading experience truly magical.

Overall, “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” continues to have a lasting impact on readers by igniting their imagination, imparting important life lessons, evoking emotions, and showcasing the power of storytelling. This enchanting book serves as a reminder of the magic that exists within each of us and the endless possibilities that come with believing in the extraordinary.

Key Takeaway:

“The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is a whimsical and engaging book that follows the adventures of three siblings — Ben, Tom, and Lindy — as they embark on a magical journey to find the elusive creature known as the Whangdoodle. The story is filled with mystery, imagination, and valuable life lessons that resonate with readers of all ages.

In terms of character analysis, the book delves into the personalities of the three siblings, highlighting their unique traits and strengths as they navigate through the fantastical world created by the author. Each character undergoes growth and development, making them relatable and endearing to the readers.

Themes explored in the story include the power of imagination, the importance of friendship and teamwork, and the value of believing in oneself. Through the adventures of the siblings, readers are encouraged to embrace their creativity, trust in their abilities, and cherish the relationships that enrich their lives.

The writing style and language used in “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” are enchanting and captivating, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the magical world portrayed in the book. The author’s descriptive prose and vivid imagery bring the story to life, making it a delightful and engaging read for audiences of all backgrounds.

The impact of the book on readers is profound, as it inspires imagination, instills valuable life lessons, and leaves a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of those who delve into its pages. “The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles” is a timeless tale that continues to enchant and delight readers, making it a beloved classic in the realm of children’s literature.


The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles is a captivating novel that takes readers on a magical journey through the extraordinary world of the Whangdoodles. The story follows Professor Savant and three children — Tom, Lindy, and Ben — as they embark on a thrilling adventure to find the last of the mythical Whangdoodles. Throughout the book, themes of friendship, courage, and imagination are beautifully woven into the narrative, inspiring readers of all ages to believe in the power of creativity and wonder.

The characters in the book are richly developed, each bringing a unique perspective and personality to the story. Professor Savant is a brilliant and eccentric character who encourages the children to embrace their sense of curiosity and imagination. Tom is a logical thinker who learns to trust in the unknown, while Lindy’s adventurous spirit leads the group on their quest. Ben, the youngest of the trio, adds a sense of innocence and humor to the group dynamic. Together, these characters form a close-knit bond that drives the heart of the narrative.

Throughout the book, author Julie Andrews Edwards explores various themes that resonate with readers on a deep level. The importance of bravery in the face of challenges, the value of friendship in overcoming obstacles, and the limitless potential of the human mind are all prominent themes that underscore the central message of the story. Through the adventures of Professor Savant and the children, readers are reminded of the magic that exists in the world around them and the power of belief in shaping their own destinies.

Julie Andrews Edwards’ writing style is both enchanting and eloquent, drawing readers into the fantastical world of the Whangdoodles with vivid descriptions and heartfelt emotion. Her use of language is poetic and evocative, creating a sense of wonder and awe that lingers long after the final page is turned. The pacing of the story is well-crafted, keeping readers engaged from start to finish as they follow the characters on their quest for the elusive creature.

The impact of The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles on readers is profound, inspiring a sense of wonder and imagination that transcends the pages of the book. Children are encouraged to embrace their creativity and curiosity, while adults are reminded of the joy that comes from seeing the world through the eyes of a child. The themes of friendship, courage, and imagination resonate with readers of all ages, prompting them to explore the possibilities that lie beyond the confines of reality.

The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles is a timeless classic that continues to enchant and inspire readers of all generations. Through its captivating story, rich characters, and profound themes, the book encourages us to embrace the magic of our own imaginations and believe in the wonders that surround us. Julie Andrews Edwards’ masterful storytelling leaves a lasting impression, reminding us that with courage, friendship, and a touch of whimsy, anything is possible in the truly great world of the Whangdoodles.

