Trumpism and Alzheimer’s Disease in the United States

The fairest comparison to make from US Politics to physiology is not a favorable one: Alzheimer’s Disease.

T. Dylan Daniel


Photo by Samuel Branch on Unsplash

Starting long before 2016, Donald Trump aligned some of the worst elements of American society to oppose the presidency of Barack Obama. From his blatant hypocrisy since his election, we can infer that the reason for this opposition was essentially based upon racism and not a difference of opinion regarding how to run the nation. Trump doesn’t care what happens to the nation. But how on earth did this happen to a nation which was steadily pushing itself forward, fighting against its racist past?

As a black friend of mine yelled in disgust and surprise after a racial slur was hurled at him in public for no reason, “It’s 2014! What are you even saying?”

We thought we had progressed so far, and yet a few short years later the truth was revealed: the progressive party had dominated national discourse for years, and yet it had failed to completely destroy the racist components of society. Healthcare, war, and America’s role as the “world police” were all concessions that had been made to appease the right wing of politics in the United States, a wing which was founded by racists and which had, until…



T. Dylan Daniel

Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire.