Assessing metrics for video quality verification in Livepeer’s ecosystem (II)

Epic Labs
9 min readApr 4, 2019


In a previous article (here) we explored the possibilities of Full Reference Video Quality Assessment (VQA) metrics for verifying that a transcoded video sequence is a reasonable match for an original source given a good-faith effort at transcoding.

More specifically, we evaluated the discriminating ability of average VMAF, MS-SSIM, SSIM, PSNR and the cosine, euclidean and Hamming distances of a hashed version of the frames. It was explained that, even though some of these metrics can provide valuable information as to how similar each transcoded frame is to the original (in average), it is not possible to ascertain with absolute confidence that the whole sequence belongs to the given original source.

In summary, those metrics only assess the similarity in terms of spatial features (pixels) in a frame-to-frame basis, at each time step. By simply averaging their values throughout the whole sequence we are omitting valuable information that could otherwise be used to uniquely identify a video asset and its renditions.

In this article we will approach the problem exploiting the temporal similarities between a video original and its copies.

Measuring a video’s temporal activity levels

As it is nicely explained here, the compression ratio of an encoding not only depends on the spatial relationships between pixels but also on the ability of the encoder to make predictions as to how those pixels will change in future frames. Hence, higher amounts of motion involve either higher bitrates or lower perceived quality.

Have a look at the frame below. Black pixels represent no-change with respect to the next. White and grey ones are different inter-frame pixels. Counting non-zero pixels (not black) gives us an exact idea of the rate of change at every instant. The image has 1280 x 720 (921600) pixels. The number of non-zero pixels is 543744. This basically means that 59% of the pixels of the frame 31 are different from the frame 32.

Frame 31 of Big Buck Bunny, as the difference between itself and the next

In the figure below, we can observe the time series evolution of the change between one frame and its subsequent for the first 50 seconds of Big Buck Bunny. We have computed it as a ratio between the number of pixels of a frame and the count of pixels with a non-zero value after subtraction of the next frame (see image above: the ratio between all the pixels of a frame and those which are not black, one frame at a time).

Time series for the evolution of the temporal pixel difference ratio for the first 50 seconds of Big Buck Bunny

This chart shows very clearly those frames where a scene changes (100% difference ratio), and also those scenes where the amount of pixel motion is higher. Between frames 200 to 300, action fluctuates and increases at the beginning with camera motion but then from around frame 450 and beyond planes are mostly static with only characters changing positions.

Finding similarity patterns in time series

So, wow, if we were to apply the above procedure to different encodings of the same asset, we could detect whether their rates of change have a similar march as that of the original, right?

Time series for the evolution of the temporal pixel difference ratio for 50 seconds of Big Buck Bunny and different renditions

And indeed they do! Does it mean we can calculate their similarity as an average of this ratio? Ahem, well, we could. But doing so, we would again be facing the same problem as we did in our previous article. Averages make it very bad at creating absolute thresholds. They basically leave everyone dissatisfied (see the Flaw of Averages for further reading).

Instead of means, we will be using distances between vectors. The time series displayed above can also be treated as a sequence of values (which are basically vectors):

From Wikipedia,

the Euclidean distance or Euclidean metric is the “ordinary” straight-line distance between two points in Euclidean space.

Essentially, this metric takes the difference between every pair of elements of our two lists by subtracting one from each other, ensures that it is positive (by squaring it), adds the subtractions all up and then makes the square root. Fairly simple, right? By computing the mean we would simply add up all the values, then divide them by the number of items in the array and then, in order to compare, we would subtract one from another.

The advantage will become more evident in the charts below. For the sake of better visualization, let’s first reduce the noise introduced by the high frequencies of our plot and smooth our curves down a bit:

Time series for the evolution of the temporal pixel difference ratio for the first 50 seconds of Big Buck Bunny and different renditions, smoothed down with a Fast Fourier Transform filter

That’s much nicer looking now. The patterns of evolution stand out more clearly for all three renditions. If we were to compute the mean, we would have four lines running straight more or less through the middle of the chart. By using the Euclidean distance, in this case, the result would be similar because all four lines run more or less parallel. However, when an outlier appeared, it would be much easier to spot, as differences are magnified by those quadratic terms of the Euclidean metric.

This looks very promising. Let’s see how well we can detect stowaway renditions with these new approach of counting non-zero pixels. Instead of Big Buck Bunny, now we will be using a different asset, a randomly picked specimen from our YT8M dataset:

Temporal pixel difference time series for 300 frames of five renditions of YT8M’s videos. Green line corresponds to an outsider.

We have inserted in our rendition list a video from another asset, simulating a pre-cooked rendition (with similar bitrate and identical resolution) meaning no computing effort from the transcoder’s side. The pattern becomes pretty obvious, right? (Yes, the attack is the green line ;)).

Apparently, all that is needed now is a mathematical tool that would supply us a number accounting for what emerges self-evidently to the human eye. Using a mean for it would probably turn the green line into a point (around 0.8) sensibly different from the rest. But what about those assets whose mean is lower?

If we treat the whole time series as a vector, we can measure the distances to the original in a n-frames dimensional space. In our previous article, for each frame, we re-scaled and hashed both the original and the rendition and measured their distances, obtaining a mean value throughout the whole sequence. This is not to be mistaken with what we are doing in this experiment: now we are measuring the distance between two vectors all together (the points in the time series). Each element of the vector contains the difference between a frame and its following from the beginning to the end of the asset segment. We show below results for Euclidean and Cosine distances for all the time series depicted above:

Cosine and Euclidean distances for each time series depicted above with respect to the original (Video-1–1080p). The stowaway rendition (-8ygLPzgpsg.mp4–720p) can be easily spotted by means of its Euclidean distance to the original. Watermark, however, seems a bit harder.

Note how outlier rendition (-8ygLPzgpsg.mp4) has noticeably the largest value for Euclidean distance, although if we were using the Cosine distance, we could mistakenly discard a valid 240p rendition (see here why).

Well, now we have something. Outsiders are easily detected. Euclidean distance of temporal inter-frame difference is easily computed (and, by the way, much faster than using SSIM, MS-SSIM or VMAF), and gives us larger distances for renditions whose distortion is higher. We can leave aside other kinds of distances, like Cosine, because, compared to Euclidean, they seem to make a meager contribution to our pursuit.

Nevertheless, we are still facing similar problems as we did regarding our traditional VQA metrics. The average value for a good faith low bitrate encoding (240p) lies further away than a malicious watermark attack. Let’s take a closer look:

A closer look at five renditions of the same asset and an interloper ( -8ygLPzgpsg.mp4). The orange line corresponds to a legitimate encoding. Also the red and purple. The green line correspondent to the stowaway rendition has already been spotted. However, the brown line identifies a watermarked rendition. Even using distances, it wouldn’t be easy to discriminate the good from the bad.

See? The orange, red and purple lines correspond to renditions that have been scaled down (720p, 480p and 240p) and given a slightly lower bitrate. Naturally, a certain amount of distortion might be expected. However, the orange line belongs to a rendition with a watermark! Moreover, if we were to make the same analysis with a rendition whose frames were flipped, or rotated, they would still account for exactly the same amount of non-zero pixels (more or less, subject to slight fluctuations in the output bitrate selected by the encoder). Let’s see.

Euclidean distances for a number of different attacks. Euclidean distance between original inter-frame difference time series spots with certain confidence fake video sequence. However, we need to work harder to discriminate other types of attack.

We have taken the same asset as previously and generated a few more abject renditions where frames were rotated and flipped. Chart above displays how they group as lower resolutions incorporate a higher degree of distortion, the 240p being the worst. With our newly described technique of measuring Euclidean distances between temporal differences we remain unable to separate another type of attacks: those with high similarity.

Let’s not surrender just yet. There has to be something we can do about those nasty renditions. Remember the PSNR? It gives a more elaborated summary than the simple pixel difference. What if we use it to measure how much distorted one copied frame is with respect to its original previous? Let’s picture the time series for it.

Time series for the PSNR between original asset and its

There we go! Now not only interlopers are discriminated, but also other kinds of misdeeds such as flips and rotations. We can have a a look at the computed Euclidean distances between time series:

Euclidean distances for each rendition measured over the time series vector of the PSNR. Now outliers and distorted renditions clearly separate from rightful encodings. Watermarks are still an issue, though, as their difference is too subtle to be delimited with a single threshold.

Unlike the computation of the mean we performed in the previous article, where original frames were compared against their corresponding counterpart encoded frames, here we are comparing the original frame against the next corresponding frame of the copy. This gives us two bundles of information in a single model: the rate of change of the asset and the amount of similarity of its copy.

Not bad. We are getting very close. The path seems to be narrowing down for many unwanted attacks. If only we could spot away watermarks in a holistic manner, it would be just great. Actually, the problem seems to reduce to find a non-linear discriminating line. Did anyone mention there a Neural Net?

In fact, we now have created a reliable and potentially rich vector of features (the temporal evolution of the PSNR) that we could feed into a Neural Network and see if with enough assets there is a pattern that can be exploited to discriminate this kind of attack (and why not, any others).

Conclusions and further research

We have seen how temporal qualities can be used to uniquely identify a video asset and its renditions. The time series vector seems to provide information with somehow better quality than simple statistical metrics such as the mean.

We have introduced a metric slightly different from PSNR to assess video quality: the Euclidean Distance for Temporal Inter-Frame PSNR, which falls into the Full Reference category of VQA metrics.

One step of this metric, the preparation of the temporal inter-frame PSNR, will be used in a future article to feed the input of a neural network in order to discriminate whether a rendition has been attacked.

Stay tuned!


About the authors

Rabindranath is PhD in Computational Physics by the UPC and AI researcher. Dionisio is Computer Science Engineer by the UPM specialized in Media. Ignacio is Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM specialized in Data Science and Machine Learning. They are part of Epic Labs, a software innovation center for Media and Blockchain technologies.

Livepeer is sponsoring this project with Epic Labs to research ways to evaluate the quality of video transcoding happening throughout the Livepeer network. This article series helps summarize our research progress.

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Epic Labs

Epic Labs is a Software Innovation Center focused on the Media space.