Becoming Heroes: Part 5

With Sailor and Ocean Advocate Emily Penn:
“Sailing makes visiting the most wonderful and remote places possible.”

3 min readJun 27, 2014

Upon graduating from Cambridge University with a degree in Architecture, Emily received a job offer in Australia and decided to get there without taking an aeroplane. Sailing 25,000 miles, presenting to schools, liaising with media, engaging politicians and connecting with the public in 120 cities around the globe, this journey across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans opened Emily’s eyes to the degrading state of the oceans and the challenges faced by small islands and their communities.

In 2010 Emily hitchhiked back across the Pacific on freighter ships, soon afterwards started work with the 5 Gyres Institute in California on the first comprehensive study of plastic in the world’s oceans. A subsequent sailing voyage to discover the South Atlantic Gyre led Emily to co-found a new organisation — Pangaea Explorations — on a mission to take everyday people, scientists, journalists and artists to the most remote parts of the planet to study critical issues including plastic pollution, coral reef biodiversity and changes in ocean chemistry.

Epiclist: Emily, what was the start of your path to live the life you´re living today?

Emily: I had an architecture job in Australia but wanted to get there without flying. I found that a world record breaking biofuelled boat called Earthrace was in the UK and the Captain said I could spend a weekend with the crew. I didn’t go home for 923 days, crossed the Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific, saw things I never knew were happening like tonnes of plastic in the sea, overfishing or small island communities now relying on packaged food and drink. Instantly I changed the direction of my life to help address these issues.

Epiclist: What does it mean for you to follow your dreams?

Emily: More than following my dreams, I thinks it’s important to have a mission and a purpose, deciding what is important for both me and the world and working towards these goals.

Epiclist: Can you share some advice on how anyone can become a sailor?

Emily: Spend as much time on the water as possible. Volunteer, join a local sailing club (where there are always people looking for crew) and dedicate time to your passion — this goes for any hobby!

Epiclist: What are your favourite destinations?

Emily: Sailing makes visiting the most wonderful, remote and previously inaccessible places possible. In the middle of the South Pacific there are uninhabited islands that are SO full of life and untouched by humans — how the whole world once was and how it needs to become again! Also, small remote island communities and the beautiful, generous people who live there.

Epiclist: When did you start with your first adventure and what was your motivation behind it?

Emily: My adventures started with a desire to get to places without travelling by aeroplane (initially as a way to minimise my carbon footprint) but i quickly realised travelling slowly, close to the ground and water, was far more interesting than flying above, and so I carried on getting to places by extraordinary means.

We are thrilled have Emily on board as one of our Epiclist Heroes, sharing her sailing expeditions with our community on Epiclist!

Check out her adventures, highlighted by Apple in their new commercial for the iPad mini:




Stories shared by the Epiclist team. Explore the world without limits. Onwards!