‘ART OF THE DEAL’ AND ‘MANIFESTO OF BENITO MUSSOLINI’ & ‘JUNKIE’ : What do these three written works have in discordance?

Depending on the outcome of potentially, the last quasi-free democratic election on: Tuesday, November 6, 2018, the first two books may be the entire inventory of amazon.com

EP Weirdcalm
12 min readOct 25, 2018

Dateline: USA, Wednesday, October 24, 2018, frequent updates

‘Forward and Furthur’

For: William (Billy) S. Burroughs, ‘(Chevalier’, 1984, Ordre des Arts et des Lettres) one of a small-cadre, of 20th Century American outlaws, artists-and-thinkers, of true genius. A courageous person, who I owe great thanks, for so much esoteric knowledge and instruction how to form my own unique vision of ‘alternative-dimensional realities’.

The following is a very short-list of counter-culture heroes who immediately pop-to-mind: persons who interacted directly, corresponded with or acknowledged an inspiration / influence of some sort, from ‘Boy Scout Billy’ Burroughs’:

Jerry Garcia, Neil Cassidy, Ken Kesey, Dr Hunter S Thompson, Kenneth Rexroth, Jim Morrison, LawerenceFerlinghetti, Brion Gysin, Warren Zevon, Allen Ginsburg, Lou Reed, Jack Kerouac, Timothy Leary, Leonard Cohen, Andy Warhol, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Frida Kahlol and Che’ Guevara.

You. Yes, YOU!

YOU the ‘younger readers and now-time / future subverters,’ of neo-fascism stand on his shoulders. Burroughs never blinked, in the face, of a command-and-control system that wanted to imprison, control and/or kill him. The system Burrough’s speaks about truly exists. The comand-and-control mechanisms are real and further enabled by technology. Social media and ‘The Screens’ as predicted by George Orwell and described before their existence by Burroughs sole purpose is to make ‘YOU’ pay, for the privilege of being, indentured servants, to the 1%. (Think about the all the interest, on all the principal and all the major and minor taxes you pay for, all you OWE. Then-and-only-then, the ‘1% command-and-control’ that Boy Scout Billy Burroughs helped many of us understand, subvert and undermine becomes comprehensible.

Do it now! Clean the clouded lens of perception to live insightful lives. Serve? No one “deserves” your service, until they have truly extended themselves to help you. Create chaos where false service exists. Encounter the beauty of nothingness, rather than today’s nightmare of service to the executive order whims, of a fake-orange-orangutan.

The great leader (“I mean really great…”). POTUS Trump CAN LAUNCH A NUCLEAR STRIKE AT WILL. And he will, if he feels it benefits the greater goood of ‘Trump.’ This man unconditionally worshiped his own ‘Big Brother’. When Trump’s big brother died of alcoholism; a void was created. After, years of great angst, he finally found his memory’s perception of the greatness of own biological Big Brother, to fill that void. He found this greatness, in his personal hero: true and new ‘Big Brother’: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of Russia. Putin, a man-child, who started a career of hateful command-and-control, where as a young boy, he trapped, captured and tortured to death — the rats that invested his childhood Leningrad tenement slum, where he was raised. In some documented instances, he tore out the rat’s eyes, to simply blind them to be killed by stronger rats that kill the weaker. (Sound familiar?)

Now, Trump has his new-and-better, ‘Big Brother’: Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin, ‘President of Russia’; ‘Oligarch Capo di tutti i Oligarch’s Capi.’

Incidentally, raise your hand if you know Trump is meeting Putin, in person, on November 11, 2018. (…and you will too eventually, but certainly, if after Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Republicans retain majority control in the legislative estates of USA goverment.)

I will soon be transitioning out of this dimension, with the assistance of a bio-engineered rare strain of cancer,. Yet, I work tirelessly (mind — body- spirit) having learned strength, fearlessness and humility, from greater men. I have learned to expertly disrupt and manage the change of the disruption to create further disruption. Having further learned, how to create a ‘consciousness of subversion.’ I learned the commitment to carry on the work of positive social change for the day when all persons have dignity and a right to their own self-determination.

I have now opened the door, with you. cleaned the lens. Decide NOW what you see! Decide if you choose to live-on, without life, in back-breaking shame. OR,:

“Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights

Get up, stand up, Don’t give up the fight”

Lyric by: Peter Tosh

Boy Scout: BIlly Burroughs Writes Last Headlines…

  1. Unconscionable Forces Trump Propaganda Void!
  2. Once A Great Nation — Incivility Normalized!
  3. Decency is DEAD: America Made Worse!
  4. All Hear! Alt-Right Calls for Neo-Facism!
  5. POTUS Abandons Commitment to the First Amendment!

The long-forgotten, great American radical-patriot , John Brown , would be rushing today to Philadelphia’s Freedom Tower, to ring the ‘Liberty Bell.’ ‘Brown’ died at Harper’s Ferry, in the manner, HE CHOSE to meet his god.

Brown’s ferocious moral-courage, to start the process of freeing all pesons, from slavery, served to persuade POTUS Lincoln to act.

Not to shut down the US Congress, rather to acknowledge negotions had failed, and to perserve The Union, Lincoln initiated the US Civil War. Liberty was not dead, even after Brown and his sons were slaughtered, by volleys of lead, saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur. John fell first, his sacred beliefs flew upward-and-upward — eyes-wide-open — yet dead. He was publicly vilified as a contra-radical. Privately, Brown was acknowledged as the primary fuse that lit the bomb to preserve ‘The Union.’ Much later, John Brown, was vindicated and slowly raised to the level of ‘cultural hero,’ much like another murdered ‘cultural hero,’ Malcom X.


John Brown today, would be declared human garbage. Or would he? The Truth and Big Brother’s Truth are two different but unequal truths. Big Brother or his most recent personification, POTUS Trump, would vilify Brown as an evil man, would cover him with dirt and lime — to rot and be eaten, by the maggots of evil sociopathic minds.

Why? Because John Brown’s courage would take time out of the news cycle away from Big Brother’s Politic-Speak (thought-control). There are persons who believe that ‘command-and-control’ WILL be achieved, in the collective consciousness, of the USA spirit, through ‘The Screens’ thought-control and revisionist history. Those who believe 1% of persons, should dominate 99%.

These old ideas are reengineered and repackaged, while marketing is designed, in places such as San Jose, Stockholm, Beijing and Moscow . Ideas so fetid that oligarch sociopaths have used them for millenium to own or control the masses. Serfdom is indentured servitude. Credit card debt, education loans, mortgages, auto loans and health insurance is the ‘new world’ equivalence, of paying the 1% for the privledge of being their indentured servant.

Soulless forces control (you). The only freedom is on ‘The Dark Web.’ No one controls the algorithms or the flow of spontaneous generation of the fusion-engine created algorithmic-currents. A place where swirling chaos flows and rules, where inertia is death. The oligarch’s play in the ‘Deep Web’. The ‘Dark Web’ exists and is owned by no one.

The Interview

In direct conversation, granted only with LIFE OR DEATH COMMITMENT to the absolute-privilege of anonymity, I was recently told, by one-such ‘Dark-Web Master-Disrupter’, that I have professionally known for over a decade and only communicate with in encrypted format — “time is now for this information to enter the flow.”

Speaking without questions (monologue), I was told.

“Most of us care only about ourselves. There are, however, worldwide pockets of us that care to some degree (more-or less), about the outcome of the planet.”

He then cited a song that he used as inspiration. It seemed relevant at the moment.

The Persuaders: “It’s a thin line between love and hate” (1971)

Don’t think you can keep breaking a woman’s heart And she’ll sit back and enjoy it (She gonna fool you one day)

The sweetest woman in the world Can be the meanest woman in the world (If you make her that way)

You keep on hurting her She keeps being quiet She might be holding something inside That really really hurt you one day

Here I am laying in the hospital Bandaged from feet to head In the state of shock Just that much from being dead

I didn’t think my woman would do something like this to me Didn’t think my girl had the nerve Here I am I guess action speaks louder than words

It’s a thin line between love and hate

Don’t think you can keep treating your woman bad And she won’t ever get mad It’s a thin line, between love and hate She’s gonna fool you one day

Every smiling face ain’t a happy one

It became apparent, ‘the woman’, the person often was referring to was. codified manner of referring to the earth as ‘Gaia,’ the earth-mother. The interview continued,

“The Dark Web’s truth is Lenny Bruce’s truth — compared to Donald Trump’s truth (a deeply oxymoronic statement). Anarchy is super-glue injected into the locking mechanisms of ‘deep web’ thought-control. It slows the processes of the ‘The Deep Web’s’ ‘lock-and-key’manipulative efficiency. It perverts in a positive manner, the reverse-psychology used to preset expectations and force the inviolability, of the newly engineered incongruous states of fresh but wholly false normalized social constructs. Essentially, ever lie needs a backstory.”

The person then paused for a moment, probably sensing my struggle to capture, with PAD AND PEN ONLY our conversation. The person then continued, clearly in a hurry to end the conversation monologue,

“Moving the boolean logic from a stable state, to an apparent perilous state of sudden juxtaposition using blockchain currency creates very sudden incongruent, consequently, enormous doubt. Doubt creates the need to rewrite. A time consuming process of diversionary and constantly varying form, function and technique. ‘Command-and-Control’ must be absolute, therefore if the individual contributors, with the heart of Sun Tzus trained warriors were not diligently at the breech, the ‘Dark Web Anarchy’, and the paramountcy significant role it plays, at this moment, in history could simply retreat into the shroud of mystery it suddenly appeared.

I finally understood.

My source was telling me the forces, of the ‘dark web’ are amoral and linked entirely to their own self interest. That complexities of that interest, at this moment, obviously was not going to be explained to me.

Summarizing, the source began to conclude the interview,

“It (was where the ‘dark web’ forces disruption — in any moment of time) but now-is now and can later-be-later, so whenever it chooses, in whatever form it chooses, on which ever side of the fight it chooses.

It could be, this moment could tentatively be, the final protection, between indentured servitude and a small degree of freedom, that existed.

The disrupters of the 1% will work tirelessly to slow the flow of money into GOP global activism, including all foreign banking involved, but only for this election. Understand this, only for this election! “

I indicated my growing comprehension, which pleased the source.

We will redirect, misdirect money and information back to the appropriate knowledge slots BUT ONLY UNTIL THE NOVEMBER 6, 2018 vote stops THE GOP.

If voter turn out is low, citizens are to lazy, willfully ignorant or stupid to vote and these person turn their own back, to protect their own self interests. The ‘disrupters for the good of the many’ will become disrupters for the few of them-selves.

Why help protect the curs to afraid, lazy or stupid to protect themselves, by getting off their fat-asses and simply voting. “

The use of the pejorative shocked me, but then I realized in what a controlled state of anger this person had been.

“No one, not their fucking Jesus-or-Satan are going to help these ignorant serfs or further ‘run-a-block’ to implement fascist change. “

I said,

“There is indeed, a thin line between love and hate, as the band ‘The Persuader’s said.”

The response was:


…and the call routed, that routed around the world many times, just suddenly ended.”

The Explosions That Did Occur

Today, indeed, two hyperbolas exploded, perhaps for a moment revealing a bit of what is behind the curtain. The sound of death-throttles of democracy — the noise of centuries of screaming patriot s — impaled in Doppler-effect pain briefly heard. The sound today, though was the the capstone dropped, on the smoldering rubble (always a mentally ill white male) of the progressive assassination not of individuals but of — The Four Estates of the the United States : executive, legislative, judicial and journalistic media (NOT OPINION JOURNALISM).

The threat is REAL and most of the body politic is as confused as the walking dead. Citizens, so challenged ethically, morally and with no clear understanding of the enormity and importance of ONE VOTE. The vote neccesary to retain the civil commitment to the freedom’s debated, documented, created and published, in a colonial-era Philadelphia, you know right?

‘The Constitution of the United States’ and ‘The Bill of Rights.’

[Who are these masters of disruption and disinformation that brought the first, hostile-invasion-of-territorial borders, since WWII?]

Is today, the first day of real battle, of The American Crimea?

The day, Civil War USA II v2 launched?

What persons perform the analysis, design, death-project build and then choose a ‘single-face’ for the death-machine’s deployment?

This disregard for the mentally ill is third, in the hierarchy of innocence-abuse, just below abuse of children/adolescents, abuse of all animals: ‘not-human’ and then come the mentally-challenge.

Frightened-creatures, who’s eyes are shining in the headlights p, one moment, then gone the next. Weak and vulnerable, scurrying around, muttering, looking for group-identity; a place to belong and a Big Brother to lean on. Simultaneously, invisible, but not surrounded and “accepted,” welcomed, yes they are, in the recruiting events or The enormous crowd that Big Brother calls “rallies.”

[These same people picked: Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan or so one supposes.]

Lost, lonely, then vindicated for a moment of sociopathic drama then vilified for a lifetime, thrown into a cold prison bottomless pit to rot, while Big Brother Trump asks Father Putin; “What next, sir?

These sad outcasts from the greatest country, healthcare, education system on no-where were not given opportunity to read the long-lost but now-found ‘Revised Boy Scout Manual’ written by a true American patriot, William S Burroughs.

Minimally, today is a prelude to the horror of the November 6, 2018 foreign invasion of the US electoral system. Note:

  • See today as a warning that may indicate elimination of democracy, as Adams and Jefferson envisioned it.
  • The founders did not make democracy the law of the land, they made the US Constitution the law of the land
  • The US Constitution can be changed, through amendments that require the same ruling party controlling the three governmental estates: executive, legislative and judicial.
  • The US Constitution’s change, by majority of electorate ratification is guaranteed, by the existing gerrymandered voting districts and associated electoral college that elected Big Brother Trump.
  • Democracy has no self corrective mechanism or fail-safe — the voters can vote facism in or vote democracy out.

The voters, at the polling place, not the algorithms, SHOULD control the existence, principles, legacy and future of the USA Democratic Republic. VOTE! Vote with friends who bring their friends. Vote alone. VOTE!

TODAY WAS A WARNING of the coming of the terror, intimidation, threats, riots, beatings and voter disruption that will occur in the streets of Voting America on MidTerm Election Day 2018.


“VOTE any goddamn way ya want, but VOTE!

YA HEAR ME?! Goddamn it, remember the manual too pals; core it out and put a rock in it, then hit em over the head with it. The ‘Wild Boys’ know what to do with bullies! Ya hit em hard and square in the face, with the manual. “


Big Brother

Will be at the polling place.

Will YOU?

