Era7: Game of Truth — The GAMEPLAY INTRO

1. The Battle Arena

Era7: Game of Truth
3 min readJan 27, 2022


The left side of the interface is your play area, and the right side is your opponent’s.

2. The Hands Area

The bottom of the interface shows the cards you have this turn.

3. Card Attributes

The attributes of a creature card consist of 4 parts: mana, attack power, HP and the special effects. But not all creature cards have special effects.

4. Mana Cost

In order to summon battle cards you will need mana, and the mana you have must meet the consumption of the cards.

5. Summon Battle Cards

Drag the card to your area to summon the battle cards.

6. Punch

Click the ‘punch’ button to start this round of battle.

7. Attack the the enemy’s hero.

When there is no enemy battle cards in the row where the creatures is, it will directly attack the enemy hero, causing damage equal to the attack power. \

8. Attack opponent’s battle cards.

When there opponent’s creatures in the row, where the battle card is located, it will attack the front. When attacking, the enemy’s HP is deducted according to the attack power. If the HP is reduced to 0, the battle card is destroyed.

9. The Attack order.

Battle cards act in order from top to bottom, front to back. When all the battle cards in a row have acted, the next row will start to act.

We hope you enjoy the game! Thanks for the support ❤

Era7 Team.



Era7: Game of Truth

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