EraLore Studios turns 1!

Our 1 Year Anniversary

8 min readApr 6, 2023

When BigBucks and I began dreaming up our ideal web3 brand and IRL business in November of 2021, we knew it would take a lot of work, dedication, and most importantly, heart. In February of 2022, we put together our dream team of artists, devs, and community and officially launched EraLore Studios, then ‘ERALôR,’ to the world in April.

Over the last year, we have worked every single day on bringing our dream, vision, and promises to fruition.

We welcome you to join us in celebrating our 1 Year Birthday and Anniversary by looking back on all the big accomplishments we’ve checked off in 365 days in the EraLore Universe.

April 5, 2022

  • We opened our discord server to like-minded souls
  • We began our 32 week run of our Tuesday morning twitter spaces, “Rise & Reset” (which concluded in November)

April ’22:

  • Our Founders spoke at The NFT Gathering in Banff, meeting holders SuperGayDad, Carter, Airwalk, Brecky, CipherDad, and JJDubbs
Banff Canada: The NFT Gathering (TNG)

June ’22:

  • ‘Clara of the Roaring Seas:’ WhatsHerFace airdrop
  • BadTattoos Collab: Airdrop Swap
Airdrops for our Supporters and Community

July ’22:

  • Began minting Founder’s Circle passports, our highest level of support and rewards membership (still available on our minting website)
  • Began our first “Build Your Own:” FC holders got to customize their Series 1 NFTs
  • MamaBucks spoke at the “Women’sIn” Virtual Conference about Web3 Balance and avoiding Burn Out as a leader, founder, & business owner
The “BYO: Build Your Own” Interface

August ’22:

  • Began minting Series 1:1927
  • Implemented our first “Mint Swap Program:” allowing holders to swap their minted piece for a pre-revealed one to ensure connection to their art and character
  • Recorded ‘Johnnie’s Song’ in studio with our award winning playwright, DC Cathro (who also voiced Fred)
  • Holakanola Airdrop Swap: Lorraine
Holakanola Art Swap || Cast of ‘Johnnie’s Song’ in Studio || WHF Art Swap

September ’22:

  • Began streaming weekly episodes of “Johnnie’s Song”
  • First IRL event: Speakeasy Weekend with 20 Holders
  • Released Series 1 Merch (available on Etsy)
Speakeasy Weekend with our Holders (plus hiking and a Model A Ford)

October ’22:

  • Series 1 Bonanza: let S1 holders buy additional pre-revealed pieces for half price
  • Series 1: 1927 Minting Closed at 255 pieces
  • Hunny’s NFTrick or Treat: Eralore created 3 pieces to go in Hunny’s “Loot Boxes” and all holders received access to mint 5 free Halloween pieces from over 30 NFT brands

November ’22:

  • MistJinx Airdrop Swap: Della
  • “Johnnie’s Song” complete: we concluded Johnnie’s Song with the ultimate TWIST (listen on Spotify)
Johnnie’s Song Show Power || MisJinx Art Swap || WHF Art Swap

December ’22:

Stacys/ Hunnys Art Swap || WHF Art Swap
  • Our first Month of Giving: we gave away over 15 eth worth of prizes to our holders, including these rewards to these holders:
    + iPad: IsaacDayley
    + Apple Watch: PauHana
    + Free Flight : CryptoNeko
    + Weekend Getaway: Chris Hodltron
    + Year of Coffee: JollyElf
    + ClubHouse Archives Merch: MannyDarx
    + Date Night: JJDubbs
    + BAYC Golf Putter: SadBot
    + TNG USA Tickets: Bundy, JCandtheCryptos
    + TNG Banff Tickets: NYCPunter
    + FC Pass: ILovemyBird, YetiGirl
    + Writer’s Room VIP Access: HDB

    With daily NFT giveaways, including KillaBearz, GutterPigeon, Otherdeeds, Clubhouse Archives, GOATz, Stoics, and more!
  • sent “Cozy Winnie” holiday & New Years cards to holders who provided their mailing address

January ’23:

  • Our 2nd “Build Your Own” for Founder’s Circle Holders: FC could customize and build their own Series 2 characters
  • Series 2: 1814 Mint Began
  • Mint Swap opened, with 7 pieces available for swap for minters
  • Scavenger Hunt & 1/1s announced, with on going prizes for those who mint our pre-selected pieces
Our Current Rewards & Scavenger Hunt Pieces

February ’23:

  • Our 2nd IRL Event: The Dominican Republic trip with 14 Community Members
  • Elena & Silas Valentine’s Airdrop unlocked and sent: 20% Series 2 Mint goal reached
  • Recorded “By Way of the Sea” in Studio with our Cast
Airdrop of Elena (S2 Holders) || Our DR Group Dinner || Airdrop of Silas (FC)

March ’23:

  • Shipwreck Generator Prompts & Challenges began: weekly prompts for holders to earn NEW TRAITS to customize their Series 2 NFTs in May, at the conclusion of our series

April ’23:

  • 1 Year Giveaway: We’re giving away 3 sets of S1 and S2 NFTs, with a free mint for S3 — coming this Summer. (join our giveaway on twitter, ending Friday, April 7)
  • Holder Airdrop: S1 & S 2 holders received the ‘Lucia & Jeremiah’ airdrop and FC holders received the ‘Reminiscing: Sketchbook’ piece from artist Eislyn — this was a reward for hitting our 33% S2 Mint Goal
  • Celebrating 54 “Balance Modes” (aka: weekends off discord) to prioritize family, balanced, and wellness for our team, community, and brand
Airdrops for our Holders, created by artist Eislyn

Coming in May ‘23:

  • The Conclusion of ‘By Way of the Sea,’ our professional audio-drama series
  • Rewards sent for holders of 10+ “Artist Spotlight” NFTs
  • Shipwreck Generator: Holders who unlocked & earned new traits will have 3 days to customize their NFTs with their earned traits, BYO style
  • Another Holder Art Airdrop Incoming!

Looking Forward:

It goes without saying that in order to accomplish all this, hours and hours of time each day go into community management, partnerships & collaborations, writing and series development, social media, and more.

While one series is launching, another one is just beginning behind the scenes with lore, art, and event planning.

So what is on the horizon moving forward in the EraLore Universe?

  • Series 3: WhatsHerFace and I have been working for quite some time on our children’s series, which will feature a printed illustrated book. For S3, we will be utilizing crowdfunding through Kickstarter, as we believe our story, characters, & rewards will be of a much larger appeal than just the web3 space! Our crowdfunding campaign will begin in the summer months!
  • EraLore Apparel: We have been working with our FC holder, friend, & brand partner, James from Clubhouse Archives, to create an apparel line that truly resonates with our values, mission, and aesthetic. We are excited to move into production with what he has envisioned for us and to share some preview with our community.
  • Month of Giving II: At the conclusion of Series 2 mint & By Way of the Sea, we’ll being our second Month of Giving. Taking place in June, holders will be rewarded “raffle tickets” (2 per S2 NFT they hold, 1 per S1 NFT they hold) to deposit/allocate into their desired reward raffles. Reward raffke eligibility is determined by which CHARACTERS & TRAITS you hold!
  • Elevate: Life & Lore: BigBucks and I will begin recording episodes for our new interview style podcast series in the next few weeks. Our first few episodes will feature those who sponsored an episode of By Way of the Sea, then we’ll be expanding our guests to those we know in the “real world.” We aim to spotlight stories of real life and fictional lore, all while providing inspiration for living a more elevated & authentic life.

We, of course, have a lot more on our minds, up our sleeves, and in the works for the future of the Eralore Universe… but for now we will leave you with our sincerest gratitude for being by our sides for the last year. We are humbled to know so many incredible humans and to share this time, space, and energy with you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ashley, MamaBucks




ERALORE was created by a husband & wife team focused on creating a balanced mindful community. ERALôR features character art, storytelling, & IRL experiences.