Introducing Era Spheres

Era Spheres
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

Era Spheres is a 2D MMORPG with hand-made pixel art and animation. Play as a Warden, Spellcaster, or Prodigy, and traverse the dynamic world of Era Spheres and discover its hidden wonders. Collaborate with your fellow players and combine the magic of the Spheres as you fight for the very survival of humanity.

The eyes of the now long deceased Titans comprise the four Spheres that make up the world of Era Spheres. The Titans are now but an ancient legend. However, their deep magic remained alive and well in the form of the Spheres. This innate power was used by all species, which lived in harmony for centuries.

Over time, the Spheres’ magic slowly began to fade. No living creature, including humans, can now feel the tingle of magic that once brokered universal harmony. As the physically weakest of all major species and deprived of their ability to use magic, humans have been subject to intense persecution. The remaining human population now lives entrenched in the Arch Place. The twisted creatures that now control the Spheres threaten to extinguish humanity entirely!

But a glimmer of hope has appeared. A few individuals have recently claimed they can feel a flicker of magic yet again. You are one of these chosen few. Wander the world of Era Spheres and take back what rightfully belongs to humanity, before its too late!

The Warden

As the Sphere’s magic faded, an Order emerged to protect a small sliver of humanity. Painfully aware of their Sphere’s faltering, the Keeper’s Guard began to develop the physical prowess of humanity, training Wardens with fierce discipline. Unwaveringly emotionless and fiercely loyal, Wardens take an Oath to protect humanity and the Spheres against hostile creatures. Despite their numerical disadvantage, the Wardens initially retained most of their territorial claims through their prowess in battle and ironclad will.

Time moves mountains.

Now, the Order only survives in the halls of the Arch Place and does not appear long for this world. However, some Wardens have recently broken their tradition of stoic silence, asserting that they feel a murmuring of magic arising from the Spheres.

The Spellcaster

Centuries before the Keeper’s Guard arose to protect humanity, the Spellcasters served as wardens of the Spheres, facilitating a tenuous peace with other creatures. By using their hands to trace the sacred shape of the Titan’s unblinking eyes, Spellcasters conjured the magic essence of the Spheres directly. Feared by all for their unshakable power and deadly use of magic, Spellcasters brokered harmony for humanity.

The arcane portends mystery.

Now, the remaining Spellcasters exist as a shell of their former glory, unable to train their magical abilities beyond a basic level. This Order desperately awaits a reprise from the Sphere’s waning power. Interestingly, some Spellcasters have started to claim their spells have grown stronger, as they sense a growing essence emerging from the Spheres.

The Prodigy

Custodians of human knowledge, Prodigies have long served as the arbiters of truth in the world of Era Spheres. As the keepers of the Titanic Laws, they differentiate themselves from their fellow humans through their steadfast devotion to the world around them. Trained from an early age on matters of the World, the Titans, and other creatures, Prodigies manifest the Sphere’s magic to heal rather than destroy.

Entropy takes no prisoners.

Now, only a single institution in the Arch Place hosts the remaining Prodigies. Like the Wardens and Spellcasters, so too do the Prodigies await a balm for their suffering. Unable to match their magical prowess with their dedicated will to study, only sorrow remains. However, some Prodigies have begun to allege that their connections to the Spheres have grown stronger in recent times.

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