#AAM2024 @ Baltimore Museum of Art

Museum Musings
2 min readMay 18, 2024


I kicked off my #AAM2024 experience at the Baltimore Museum of Art.

It seemed wrong to come to a Museum conference, in a city I have never been to before, in another country, without taking the chance to experience at least one local Museum (hopefully I will have time for more)!

Matisse: reclining nude

I was at the Museum for an experiential workshop, but I arrived early as I had read that the Museum hosts more than 1,000 works by Henri Matisse. Having been exploring how people navigate museums, the thought of aiming to find the Matisse only seemed sensible — especially with limited time.

As I started walking through the museum, I realised that I was observing things in a different way.

It’s funny, but since starting my #TakeAWalkInMyShoes research project, I can’t not notice how it feels to be in the space!

I noticed how the light shone through the windows and landed on the stone floor. I noticed all the benches and seats and signs saying ‘do not touch’.

I was drawn to one bench, which had something at the end. It was a sensory display of fabric, which you could touch! And it had a description in Braile .

Leather bench with lilac display box at the right end with coloured square of fabric on top and white rectangular label.

I also discovered how difficult it was to navigate the space, so I asked a gallery attendant for help!

Wooden bench with padded seat on wooded floor, in front of large tapestry hanging on a blue wal

Once I had found the Matisse, I enjoyed moving around the galleries with a clear focus. I had seen what I had come to see, but also seen and experienced other artworks and spaces along the way.

Whilst this was enjoyable for me, and I was able to do it in about 40 minutes, I was very aware of the challenge for someone with less energy perhaps may find the act of finding the Matisse (or whatever their chosen focus) exhausting. It is impossible to reach your focus without avoiding all the distractions on the way…



Museum Musings

Practitioner Researcher - reflections from my research in museums