E.R. Burgess ("Eric" - he uses E.R. online because there are too many Eric Burgesses who like the same things he does) is a writer, product and marketing leader in the technology industry, game and gamification designer, indie music lover, psychology enthusiast, ailurophile, and a husband to a wonderful artist and father to two amazing musicians. While he has made million-selling video games for Disney, built CRM systems for financial advisors at top firms, crafted earned media value indexes for marketers, designed board game and role-playing tabletop games, invented tools that help judge personality/sentiment/emotion of individuals based on analysis of social speech, and worked on data independence and wellness apps, Eric is a writer before anything else.

His first novel, Tired of Singing Trouble, written when he was half his current age, is available for purchase on Amazon and he has two more books coming this year: A collection of short stories about how technology has altered human relationships called Comfort Information and a memoir of his life in board games called Optional Rules. Both of them will probably be part of a crowdfunding campaign unless some publisher wises up and decides to publish them.

Eric loves writing on Medium about board games, product management, psychometrics, and technology. You can also find his work on his blog, Boardgame Babylon, or find him on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram professing his love for board games, good interface design, wonderful indie bands, good food, excellent media content, and the best books.

Medium member since September 2018
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E.R. Burgess

E.R. Burgess

Book Author

CEO/Founder - Credtent.org, AI Product Leader, Data-Driven Content Marketer, Writer, Game & Gamification Designer (board & video)