eREAL Token Burn & the Interest Program — Official Release

4 min readJan 12, 2018


Dear Hodlers,
Since our last publication The eREAL Interest Distribution and the “Viral Cats Game”, little or nothing has changed for the better in the Ethereum network, that is, the price of the transactions did not decrease, but rather increased, as did the delay in processing.

Based on the aforementioned, and due to the financial impossibility of issuing 2300 transactions at the current gas price, the eREAL Interest Program will be canceled with immediate effect and not expected to be resumed.


After consulting the community, we decided that it would be fair to compensate the hodlers for non-payment of interest for November and December 2017. The chosen way to do so was the burning of Tokens eREAL. This way, 60 Million eREAL will be burned at the rate of 5 Million per month for 12 months (January 2018 -> December 2018). The greatest impact of this measure’s is the reduction of the total supply of eREAL, from 207 million to 147 million. We believe that by reducing the total supply of eREAL available in the market, we will increase interest in the acquisition and adoption of eREAL due to its scarcity.

Distribution of eREAL

Of the 117 million eREALs that are still to be distributed to the community, 60 million will be burned, leaving 57 million eREAL to be distributed, but not limited, to:
1 — Sites that adopt CryptoPayWall eREAL technology
2 — Sale of eREAL through
3 — eREAL Ambassadors — Distinguished personalities who, within their area of ​​expertise, help in the dissemination and expansion of eREAL (this will be a new type of bounty, thus canceling the current prizes program open to all. prior to this date will be paid until the end of January 2018).
4 — Possible new burning of Tokens eREAL

The new distribution of eREAL will be updated on our site during the next few days, as well as the token-burning program among other information.

CryptoPayWall eREAL

The new CryptoPayWall eREAL platform will enable everyone to sell goods and services securely and anonymously and receiving in Crypto Currencies, such as Ethereum and eREAL

How does it work:

For WebMasters:

Step 1 — Receive an invitation from the eREAL team (Beta testers only in the initial phase)
Step 2 — Choose the currencies you want to accept as payment (eREAL, Ethereum …).
Step 3 — Add the address of the wallet where you want to receive payments (if you do not have it, you can create a new one).
Step 4 — Generate and place the html / php code on your site (buy button).
Step 5 — Track your sales in the eREAL Webmasters Control Panel.

For Users:

Users wishing to pay through CryptoPayWall eREAL technology can choose between several Crypto Currencies to make their payments, such as eREAL and Ethereum.

Sale of eREAL and Ethereum

As planned on our roadmap, within a few weeks we will start selling Crypto Currencies at
Initially, only eREAL and Ethereum will be available for purchase, but other currencies will be added soon.
We intend with this service to facilitate the entry of “new crypto investors” and increase eREAL adoption.
We plan to accept PagSeguro, Bank Transfer, Boleto Bancario (Brazil only), PayPal and Credit Card as payment method.

How does it work:

Step 1 — The user chooses the amount and currency he wants to invest
Step 2 — Add the wallet address where you want to receive the coins
Step 3 — Select the payment method (above mentioned)
Step 4 — Make the payment
Step 5 — Receive the Coins in the wallet used in Step 2

Affiliate Program

During the first months of 2018 we will launch the eREAL Affiliate Platform, through which any user will have at their disposal a wide range of tools to promote and monetize eREAL services via affiliate links.

How does it work:

Step 1 — Registration (Open to all)
Step 2 — Add the wallet address where you want to receive the coins
Step 3 — Generate affiliate code and choose the media advertising support (banners, videos, links) that best fits your site.
Step 4 — Monitor Sales through the eREAL Affiliate Control Panel.

New Exchange

We know how essential it is to list eREAL in a new exchange. EtherDelta, despite being an innovative platform in terms of decentralization, is not intuitive and suffers from technical problems that make it difficult to purchase eREAL.
One of our goals for the first quarter of 2018 is to list eREAL in a world-renowned brokerage. There is currently a petition created by the community to add eREAL to Next Exchange, your vote is welcome (no registration required). Other options are being considered, such as Braziliex, Mercatox,, or even the creation of a community sponsored “crowd-funding” to list eREAL in a major exchange.


A transformation in the foundations of the world economy is beginning at this particular moment in history. Hundreds of new and good projects that will transform our day to day are springing up a bit all over the planet, get ready, the “ubers of everything” are coming.

At the moment, the highways of a new and decentralized Internet are being created. Projects like will be the foundation of this new internet, and only in a few years “googles” and “facebooks” of the decentralized internet will flourish.

eREAL is proud to be part of this revolution and intends to make a difference, by allowing all Brazilians (and not only) to enter, in an easy, safe and honest way, in this new era of the world economy.

To all Hodlers, and future ones, a 2018 full of health and success!

Sat, eREAL Team

Rio de Janeiro, 11 Jan 2018

