GitLab custom.css Style

Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein
1 min readMar 25, 2019


Few weeks ago I saw this feature request on GitLab and I thought that it’s nice idea, I also understand why GitLab won’t develop such feature. So I decided to add it to GitLab Board Better.

GitLab Board Better 1.4 is now providing the option to custom your own CSS to boards only. So you can enjoy all the great features of GBB + custom style.

Not like the other features which works separately per board, the custom CSS will take affect on all the boards you visit.

To use the custom.css feature — click on the GBB icon. That simple! Enjoy :)



Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein

Entrepreneur & Product Manager who never give up. Love my Wife, my daughters & my dogs.