How Do You Track GitLab Tickets?

Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein
2 min readApr 26, 2019


In my position as Product Manager I want to make sure that I follow the track of some tickets (or ‘issues’ as GitLab call them). Sometimes those tickets needs to be taken care by me and sometimes by others. But most important — I want to make sure I don’t forget those tickets.

So I found a nice way to make sure I don’t forget them by using GitLab options with combination of my Chrome Extension — GitLab Board Better :)


How To — The Chequered Flag Icon

  1. I add Chequered icon/reaction 🏁 to every ticket I want to track

2. I use GitLab Board search bar to find all tickets which include my ‘Reaction’ with this flag

3. Last, I convert current URL to filter by using GBB

That’s it! I simply click on chequered icon almost everyday and use it like a to-do list.

And last tip…

If you have a designer in your team that you don’t want to forget to talk with him about some tickets, mark them with a different icon. So you have a nice filter bar with icons :)

The End



Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein

Entrepreneur & Product Manager who never give up. Love my Wife, my daughters & my dogs.