Milestone and Time Tracking in GitLab Board!

Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein
2 min readMay 28, 2019


In the past weeks I asked GitLab Board Better users “ what features you would like to see?” and now GBB ver. 1.6 brings new features and announcement!

Milestone & Time Tracking

Milestone in Main Board View

I really like the milestone feature in GitLab. Some teams use it for versioning, others for Sprint names, etc. But GitLab Board can be better if we would see the Milestone of every ticket in the main Development board.

GBB ver 1.6 allow you to enable this feature! so you can see right away from the main Development board the milestone of every ticket. To do that you need also to add your GitLab API token in the settings.

Time Tracking in Main Board View

In GBB ver 1.6 you can see time tracking for tickets in the main board view, so you don’t need to go into tickets to see this information.

GBB Going To Be Even Much BETTER

Yes, I want (and can) make your GitLab Board (even) Better. I want to continue make you more productive, save you even more time, be much more aware to what happen in the project you’re working on, but it won’t be for free.

From ver 1.6 you will have 14 days of trail and afterwards GBB will cost only $25 for lifetime.

Why I’m going to charge for GBB?
Because it cost me time to work on it. Because I pay for development (I’m a Product Manager, not a developer) to execute all the features.
I want to deliver you a great product, I want to deliver you more feature, more frequently.

The End

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Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein

Entrepreneur & Product Manager who never give up. Love my Wife, my daughters & my dogs.