Stay On Top Of Your GitLab Board

Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein
3 min readOct 18, 2019


If you are a Team Lead, Product Manager or anything similar — I’m sure you want to know what’s going on in your Board.

Stay On Top Of Your GitLab Board

Your Board (even if it’s not GitLab) is your way to know what is going on in your project, what is the status of the work, what is stuck, etc. I know that some try to get the information by doing daily standup, but I would like to share with you my way to stay on top of the stuff which happen in the projects that I’m involved. Just to be clear, I’m a Product Manager, I don’t get into every single ticket because I trust my colleagues, but it’s always good to be on top of what’s going on.

Email Notification

I get emails for tickets that I’m involved in, not for every ticket that was created on the board (some were not created by me). However what is mostly important for me are the new tickets that were created.

If there is a new ticket it means that someone came up with new idea or a bug. Those are the most important tickets in my opinion. Therefor I use in my Gmail a unique label and star for tickets that include the text “created an issue”.

Few years ago I worked in some company were we had Outlook. I used to mark in a different color emails about ticket that were created.

GitLab Board Better — Notifications

GitLab Board Better has a useful notification center which alerts me in non-intrusive way about new changes (all changes!) in the board. I just click on the Bell icon with a brief look on what was changed.

If I’m already in the board, I want to know what was changed, so using GitLab Board Better notification center, is one of my ways to stay on top of the changes and updates in my project.

GitLab Board Better — Notification Center

RSS Reader

Yes, I also use RSS Reader, to be specific I use Inoreader. Why I also subscribed to my board via RSS? because it’s like a news paper and it’s a different point of view. I have a list of all the changes and I can go over it very quickly and pick to read those which I find most interesting.

Sometimes I have busy days with lots of meetings, I have less time to go over my email or the notification center in GitLab Board Better, so I’m going over my RSS quickly to make sure that I don’t miss something that could be interesting for me.

Choose your own way…

If it sounds too much for you in order to stay on top of your board, that’s fine, you can pick your own favorite or most suitable way for staying up-to-date. I choose to do it in several ways because it’s very important for me to know the status of my project, in addition it’s also good for me to track status in different ways. Every source (email/notification center/RSS) has it’s own unique view which makes me see different things.

The End

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Erez Hadas-Sonnenschein

Entrepreneur & Product Manager who never give up. Love my Wife, my daughters & my dogs.