Addiction Vs. Hobby

Cameron Ostien
2 min readSep 30, 2019


Hobbies are great for your mind and you can show everyone how talented you are at a certain skill!

Addictions, however, are very different from hobbies as you become ‘addicted’ to a single activity.

Should we always be participating in hobbies? Or should we be allowed to spend some of our time participating in our addiction? Are addictions really that bad? How can I turn my addiction into a hobby, and only a hobby? These are all questions we’ll be answering in this article.

What is the difference between a hobby and an addiction?

Hobbies, as I said, are generally good for your brain, it’s something you don’t spend too much time on and you can learn something from it. Hobbies are also generally something productive, like learning an instrument, learning a different language, learning a sport (notice how every hobby includes ‘learning’)

Addictions are something you spend TOO much time on and are generally an activity that isn’t very productive, like video games, drugs, social media (some addictions can be productive, but the really bad addictions are typically counterproductive).

Obviously you would not want to have an addiction, but no one is perfect, and a lot of us have addictions.

How can I get rid of an addiction?

Now it begs the question; ‘how can I get rid of my addiction?’ Well, it can take from 21 to 90 days to break an addiction. But don’t let it stop you, stay consistent, take baby steps, gradually decrease the amount of time you spend on the addiction, and it’ll eventually no longer be an addiction!

Are addictions bad for us?

It depends on if it’s a ‘bad addiction’ but typically, yes. Doing anything too much is always not great, even if it’s something productive you should still try other things.

What creates addictions?

This is self explanatory, but if you try something new, you really enjoy it or you really want to spend more time doing it, then it can become an addiction. To prevent this, you need self-control and you need to really pay attention to yourself and what you do on a daily basis.

Are hobbies that great?

Yes, they’re very good for your mind, when you participate in hobbies you’re always improving your skill in that hobby, and they can even be turned into a career!


Hobbies are activities you do on your free time. Addictions are activities you do on your free time AND your work time, which I think is the main difference between a hobby and an addiction.

Anyway, thank you for taking your time to read this article, I hope you learned something and maybe you can break and addiction, or start a new hobby!

