What You Need to Know About Napping

2 min readOct 19, 2018


It is common to find people struggling with sleep in the afternoon and others napping. The fast economy today has people deprived of sleep and lacking time to take an afternoon nap. Naps are often accompanied by a few misconceptions, sometimes suggesting the person is lazy, unambitious or sick. However, naps are a natural way of your brain keeping up with your circadian rhythm.

Types of Naps

There are three main categorizations of naps. Preparatory naps are used because you plan to stay up past your bedtime. Emergency naps happen because you have to doze in order to function. Your body demands it. Habitual naps are when you nap the same time every day.

Effects of Napping

Napping can do you as much good as much as it can interfere with your wellbeing. It all comes down to how disciplined you are and why you are doing it. Below are the pros and cons of sleeping in the afternoon.


Napping improves your moods. You wake up more psyched to work and can handle frustrations better. It also makes you more alert and productive. The likelihood of you making mistakes and causing accidents is less. You’re able get to relax and be less stressed about your daytime activities for a moment with extra sleep. It also benefits you psychologically as you can get away from reality for a minute and be rejuvenated. It can also stabilize patients suffering from narcolepsy.


If you nap at a time close to your bedtime, you are likely to have difficulty sleeping at your bedtime. Napping for more than 30 minutes will give you sleep inertia when you wake up. As a result, you will feel groggy and less motivated to work. They can also be used to procrastinate work that should be done rather quickly.

