Yolo v4 using TensorFlow 2.x

eric de la houpliere
3 min readJun 2, 2020


This Tensorflow adaptation of the release 4 of the famous deep network Yolo is based on the original Yolo source code in C++ that you can find here: https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet and https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet

The method to adapt this deep network is based on the method used by Jason Brownlee for the previous release v3 and presented here https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-perform-object-detection-with-yolov3-in-keras/

But I have made several changes due to the new features added by the release 4 of Yolo.

All the steps are included in the jupyter notebook YoloV4_tf.ipynb

The release numbers are:

  • TensorFlow version: 2.1.0
  • Keras version: 2.2.4-tf

The steps to use Yolo-V4 with TensorFlow 2.x are the following:

1. Build the TensorFlow model

The model is composed of 161 layers.

Most of them are Conv2D, there are also 3 MaxPool2D and one UpSampling2D.

In addtion there are few shorcuts with some concatenate.

Two activation methods are used, LeakyReLU with alpha=0.1 and Mish with a threshold = 20.0. I have defined Mish as a custom object as Mish is not included in the core TF release yet.

The specifc Yolo output layers yolo_139, yolo_150 and yolo_161 are not defined in my Tensorflow model because they handle cutomized processing. So I have defined no activation for these layers but I have built the corresponding processing in a specifig python function run after the model prediction.

2. Get and compute the weights

The yolo weight have been retreived from https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/releases/download/darknet_yolo_v3_optimal/yolov4.weights.

The file contain the kernel weights but also the biases and the Batch Normalisation parameters scale, mean and var.

Instead of adding Batch normalisation layers into the model, I have directly normalized the weights and biases with the values of scale, mean and var.

  • bias = bias — scale * mean / (np.sqrt(var + 0.00001)
  • weights = weights* scale / (np.sqrt(var + 0.00001))

As these parameters as stored in the Caffe mode, I have applied several transformation to map the TF requirements.

3. Save the model

The model is saved in a h5 file after building it and computing the weights.

4. Load the model

The model previously saved is loaded from the h5 file and then ready to be used.

5. Pre-processing

During the pre-processing the 80 labels and the image to predict are loaded.

The image is resized in the Yolo format 608*608 using interpolation = ‘bilinear’.

As usual, the values of the pixels are divided by 255.

6. Run the model

The model is run with the resized image as input with a shape=(1,608,608,3).

The model provides 3 output layers 139, 150 and 161 with the shapes respectively (1, 76, 76, 255), (1, 38, 38, 255), (1, 19, 19, 255).

The number of channels is 255 = ( bx,by,bh,bw,pc + 80 classes ) * 3 anchor boxes, where (bx,by,bh,bw) define the position and size of the box, and pc is the probability to find an object in the box.

3 anchor boxes per Yolo output layers are defined:

  • output layer 139 (76,76,255): (12, 16), (19, 36), (40, 28)
  • output layer 150 (38,38,255): (36, 75), (76, 55), (72, 146)
  • output layer 161 (19,19,255): (142, 110), (192, 243), (459, 40)

7. Compute the Yolo layers

As explained before, the 3 final Yolo layers are computed outside the TF model by the python function decode_netout.

The steps of this function are the following:

  • apply the sigmoid activation on everything except bh and bw.
  • scale bx and by using the factor scales_x_y 1.2, 1.1, 1.05 defined for each Yolo layer.

(bx,by)=(bx,by)scales_x_y — 0.5(scales_x_y — 1.0)

  • get the boxes parameters for prediction pc > 0.25

x = (col + x) / grid_w (=76, 38 or 19)

y = (row + y) / grid_h (=76, 38 or 19)

w = anchors_w * exp(w) / network width (=608)

h = anchors_h * exp(h) / network height (=608)

classes = classes*pc

8. Correct the boxes according the inital size of the image

9. Suppress the non Maximal boxes

10. Get the details of the detected objects for a threshold > 0.6

11. Draw the result

