What Are Your Real Goals? — 1/1/24

Eric McAlister
2 min readJan 1, 2024


With the beginning of each new year we all have the fresh slate — dreams, ambitions, goals to achieve and an idealogical vision in our heads. According to an article by Forbes, of the American population, only 7% of those who set a New Years resolution stick with it the entire year or longer.

A Ted Talk given by former NFL player and media personality Emmanuel Acho, gives an interesting perspective on why you should stop setting goals for yourself.

Acho argues that we shouldn’t set goals because we lock in and gain tunnel vision on what we expect the outcome to look like, sometimes causing us to miss bigger and better opportunities.

While I think there is validity in his point but also acknowledging the science behind why you should set goals for yourself, the key component we miss out on when setting goals for ourselves is a clear understanding of why we want to achieve the things we do.

To be both motivated to achieve your goals and ensure you are actually bettering your circumstances, ensure you are ticking these things off:

1. Be intrinsically motivated.

We all want to make more money and there’s nothing wrong with that. Do you want to make more money because you want security, investment and to build, or do you want more money because the people you are associated with will look at you in a better light? Being intrinsically motivated is what keeps the fires burning as the year goes on and discipline and consistency become harder.

2. Make sure your goals impact others as much as they do you.

Piggy backing off number 1, make sure you are leaving the world a better place than you found it. If you want to truly thrive in life, you have to make the environment you exist in better. A better version of you inspires a better version of someone else. You don’t need to necessarily be the direct impact of everyone else’s growth, but you can always provide the spark that helps get them there.

3. Walk away from your goals feeling fulfilled.

The greatest way to make impactful change is by walking away feeling good about it. Speaking is what I love doing most and even when things don’t always go according to plan, I walk away feeling better for it. The feeling of fulfillment is quickest way to finding a purpose in life.

Best of luck to all in their endeavors this year. I wish you health, love and wealth.



Eric McAlister

Former professional athlete turned entrepreneur, writing about all things performance, mental health and leadership.