World Class Market Development (The Opener)

Eric Sullivan
3 min readJul 25, 2021


Weston Woodward in his natural habitat.

The Opener: Someone who is relationship focused, loves to connect with new people and makes orthogonal connections that lead to introductions which result in a value exchange once a person with a need and means is connected to a competent person with a solution. I recommend using an opener to network and do market development while having them sell and make a warm introduction to the closer.

Because this is hard to explain, I will use my Chief Connector (fractional) as an archetype:

Here’s why Weston Woodward is the best I’ve ever met:

  1. An abundant mindset — Weston doesn’t seem to believe in scarcity and always believes that “there’s enough resources for all of us.”
  2. A giver — He gives far more than he receives and is always looking for how he can help others with no expectation of reciprocation.
  3. A collector — Weston’s primary interest is collecting good people and being affiliated with interesting projects.
  4. Follow through — When Weston says he will do something — he gets it done.
  5. Passion for the Offering — Weston loves and believes our team and what we do. He genuinely cares about the prospect / client and only connects us with people he thinks we can actually bring significant value to.
  6. Community — Weston is transforming environments from collections of individuals to communities. He can’t help it.

What the opener cannot do for you:

  1. The opener cannot transform your offering into something desirable.
  2. The opener cannot fake interest in your offering in order to create interest among others.
  3. The opener cannot close. They are in the business of connecting people with resources and allowing them to make the decision for themselves.
  4. The opener cannot solely work on your projects. They need variety in their lives and the success of your projects will rely on them working freely to build relationships and create value — which transcends your offering alone.

What you need to do to capture the value of the connector:

  1. Create a solid offering that a connector can believe in.
  2. Maintain the interest of the connector and work with them to organize their network according to your needs.
  3. Maintain a weekly checkpoint with the connector.
  4. Poke the connector when you need a surge of introductions to fill the top of your funnel.
  5. Allow the connector to run free and bring value to others.
  6. Situate a closer in the business to pull opportunities down funnel to close.
  7. Deliver on the promises the closer makes.
  8. Pay the opener well for the value they create.

Lastly, if you have an interesting offering and you can do the above things to capture value — hire Weston Woodward as your opener.

