5 Steps to Become a Video Game Tester (Make $55k from Home)

Eric Miller
3 min readDec 20, 2022


Are you looking for ways to break into the ever-growing video game industry? Do you have dreams of testing the newest games before anyone else does?

Becoming a video game tester is an achievable goal that can be attained with a few steps and some dedication.

1. Research the Position

First, research what testing involves and learn the skills needed for it. Testers often need to know programming languages, game design principles, and other technical aspects of game development.

It is also essential to be familiar with different consoles and hardware setups. Clearing any certification exam can boost your chances of being hired by an employer or studio.

General skills that video game testers possess include:

Strong analytical skills

Testers need to be able to identify bugs and other issues in the gameplay, as well as suggest potential solutions.

Attention to detail

Video game testing is a meticulous process that requires intense focus and careful attention. You will likely spend hours playing the same level over and over again, so you will need to be able to spot any inconsistencies or issues in the game design that could affect the player experience.

Passion for gaming

A love of gaming is essential for anyone who wants to become a video game tester since you will spend a lot of time playing and analyzing different games. You should also be confident in your ability to play and discern different genres.

2. Build a Portfolio

Once you have the necessary skills, create a portfolio showing your abilities and experience testing games. This can include game screenshots, gameplay recordings, descriptions of bugs you found during testing, and suggestions for improvements.

You may also want to build up a network of contacts in the industry who can provide you with advice and job opportunities. Attend conferences, workshops, or meetups that focus on video game development to make connections and learn more about the field.

3. Look into Open Positions

Next, look into jobs in the gaming industry that don’t require specialized skills, such as focus group testing or writing gaming reviews.

This option is ideal for those with no prior experience or background in testing games who want to work in the field.

This job experience will make you stand out when applying for more advanced quality assurance or product management positions.

A few places to start looking for open positions include video game studios, recruitment websites, and online job boards.

4. Share Your Portfolio

It’s a good idea to build up your portfolio and submit it online. Evidence of past testing success shows that you are willing to put effort into doing quality work, making you more appealing as an applicant for new gigs.

Also, be sure to join forums related to game development and gaming in general so that you can stay up to date on what moves are being made across the industry.

5. Network

Be sure to network! Having contacts who can vouch for your skill sets will prove invaluable when applying for positions within the video game world.

Meet people through conventions and expositions that happen regularly all around the world; these events are great opportunities for networking and giving yourself exposure to professionals within the industry who would make great contacts down the line.

Some great networking places include industry-specific websites, gaming groups on social media, and conferences and workshops on game development.


Becoming a successful video game tester takes hard work, ambition, and persistence, but ultimately it’s worth it!

With dedication and determination, anyone can make their dreams come true by getting involved with one of today’s hottest industries — gaming!

