How To Use ClickUp as the Best Memo Template

Erica Chappell
5 min readNov 15, 2019


In the old days, you could print out a memo and leave it in each person’s inbox.

Then came the digital email inbox.

Now, you can deliver memos and updates via company /business communication channels like Slack or ClickUp.

But the principles of writing a great memo should stay the same.

The good news is: you don’t have to do it alone.

And just because there are loads of great templates (we’ll get there in a second) you should remember some core basics to writing a great business memo.

What are memos anyway?

  1. Change agent. Usually, business memos are used to inform a group of people about a change.
  2. No meeting needed. This is an update in policy but can be accomplished via a quick note rather than an all-hands meeting. So if the HR policy is changing, it’s important and everyone needs to know about it. But it’s better to handle the details in writing and then have a meeting later to discuss if needed.
  3. Clarification. Memos can also help clarify any discrepancies on the team about company policy, such as overtime pay or upcoming vacation days.
  4. Informs and educates. Memos are meant for a specific point. It’s not an essay. It’s not a strategy. It’s usually detailed but not comprehensive.

Here are specific elements in writing a great memo:

  1. What’s the purpose? Ensure that the topic can be handled in a memo and that the purpose is clear.
  2. Short and to the point. Put the key info right away at the top. This could even be in the subject line if you’re using email. You don’t need a rambling intro. If you need to provide more context, such as why you’re doing away or adding a certain benefit, add that later as supporting information.
  3. Clear call-to-action. People need to know what to do with the action. If they must update their 401k information, let them know. You can even use words like “action item” or “Next Steps.” If there’s no action required, you can say “no action required.” That may seem obvious, but your goal is to be crystal clear.

Now, we’ll explore the top memo template options to help you craft that pitch-perfect note.

Choose a template based on the needs you have. For instance, here are the different types of memos and templates that you may utilize:

  1. Internal communication memo: Immediate members of your team
  2. Interoffice memo: Meant for more than one team, but not all teams
  3. Policy memo: Directed to whole company and employees, indicating a change

The Memo Format

  1. Heading. Concise, specific and to the point
  2. Opening. State the changes right away
  3. Support. Add any supporting details or reasons for why certain policies are being made or changed.
  4. Summary. Include any contact information and the next action required by your employees.

How To Use ClickUp For Memos

ClickUp was built as a complete productivity platform, and our 2.0 features give you even more tools to communicate and collaborate with your employees.

1. Docs in ClickUp. With a page view in ClickUp, you can set up your very own documents or knowledge management system in ClickUp. Then link these docs to a specific Folder or List in ClickUp. Every document in ClickUp features a rich-text editor with markup. If you need to message your whole team with a memo, you can compose it in ClickUp and then assign it to your team. ClickUp has heading settings, links, checklists, numbered lists and more…just like a word processor such as Google Docs or Word.

All of this is right inside ClickUp, helping you to streamline and manage the information you rely on. Now ClickUp can be a central place for your company’s organizational notes, business memos, and processes.

2. Task Details. Much like with Docs, task details also have a rich-text editor section. You can format your text, create bulleted lists or add images if needed.

3. Checklists. Use checklists in ClickUp to ensure that the actions you need are taken. Assign checklist items to a certain person and they can mark off when they are completed.

4. Embed view. If you write and compose your memo in Google Drive, Dropbox or Microsoft 365, you can then embed the doc within ClickUp and link it to specific Folders. Then everyone on the team can have access to the view and read your memo. Readers (i.e. employees) will like having it in the same location as their daily tasks.

5. Use attachments. If your memo is in a PDF or another static file, attach it to a specific task in ClickUp and then use comments to add ideas or gather feedback. This is great if you’ve used a Word document or another program to write your memo.

Why Use ClickUp for Your Memos?

1. A centralized place for all of your information.

ClickUp resolves a common mistake that many organizations make — using different tools in different departments. Keeping a clear channel of assigned tasks, communication, and attachments is easier with a centralized platform to handle everything that comes your way.

2. Better team collaboration

When a team is small, it’s easy to ask for status updates and catch a few quick meetings. As your team grows, you’ll have more difficulty getting your message across and ensuring everyone is united. That’s probably why you’re writing a memo. ClickUp solves that by helping you with information and knowledge management, along with tasks.

3. Fewer meetings

By writing and storing your memos in ClickUp, you can avoid frivolous meetings. You can see the policy changes, make any comments and then go on your way. Productivity software like ClickUp simplifies your policy notes, memos and more.

You’re walking to your company conference room for an “update.”

Other Memo Templates for Download:

  1. Business Memo
  2. Professional Memo template
  3. Sample memo with letterhead
  4. Vertex templates


Writing business memos will keep your team informed and it’s a great practice to have for any company changes or updates. Getting it in writing will let your team refer back to it over time, process the details and then take action on it if needed.



Erica Chappell

I love being productive! Check out my stories on how you can be productive, too!