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The Power of Later

Erica Ariel Fox
2 min readMar 19, 2020


Spiritual teacher and author Eckhart Tolle gave us “The Power of Now.”

Coronavirus gives us The Power of Later.

Yes, of course, there are critical things to do now. RIGHT NOW. Immediately and urgently. We know about those and we’re doing them.

The problem is our hearts and minds can’t keep up with all of the genuinely critical and urgent things we need to do. So as we busily wash our hands and buy canned food and stay away from each other, our insides spin because the reality of NOW truly terrifies us.

Here is where The Power of Later comes in — here, when it’s frankly too nerve-wracking to keep all of our mental and emotional focus on the Now.

When the cancellations and the lockdowns and the rising number of cases are more than your mind can handle, imagine lovely things that will happen….Later. When this is over. When we’ve made it to the other side. Later.

Consider that people in Wuhan are returning to work. New infections in China are falling. For this city, once ground zero, the tide is turning.

In January, Wuhan’s 11 million people lived in the uncharted waters of the first coronavirus lockdown. It was likely impossible to imagine a time when fear and suffering would end. Their Now was too painful and all-encompassing to envision a Later when the…



Erica Ariel Fox

New York Times Bestselling Author of Winning from Within | Lecturer at Harvard Law School | Co-Founder@MobiusExecLead