Erica Baker
4 min readDec 20, 2017


I want to begin with this. What is this thing we call the internet? Good question and I will answer it. The internet isn’t just the backbone, the hardware, the wires and cables, or the software that drives it. The internet is this inanimate object that sits on our screens patiently waiting on us, the owners to bring it to life.

What is the internet? Good question yet again, and I will answer it yet again. This thing we call the internet gives all that have it an equal opportunity to tell a story. It cares not if you are a kid in a Nebraska cornfield, or a famous celebrity looking to get some face time, for those who have it, it creates equally and destroys in the same equal fashion.

Again I will ask the question, what is the internet? The internet has been the greatest voice for freedom and democracy that has ever been created. It allows the most benign of speech, perhaps a cat video, and the most malevolent of speech, perhaps an overthrow of a government. It is where we share our most secret of sexual fantasies, our opinions, and it is where we find others that are of a like mind and build communities. It has been a force for both the good in all of us and the most evil and diabolical. It is also a place where we all can call out our government politicians for the lies they tell, the corporations for their abusive practices, also for me personally if I chose to, praise you for being a good human being, or if I chose to, rip you to shreds for the evil you do. but in this forum, I choose peace.

The internet is also a place where you can buy yourself pretty panties and lingerie without judgment from Amazon or Walmart, and a computer hard drive from Best Buy or New Egg, or perhaps you are in need of an adult diaper, the transactions are treated the same, and your products arrive.

It is also a place where you can be a perfect prince or a complete bastard, a perfect princes or a complete bitch. It is also a place where you can be as pure as the driven snow, or a harlot, and you would sell yourself for a dollar or a dime bag from a pusher. By the way the price for that dime bag just shot up.

The internet is black, it is white, and many shades of grey. It is every color and hue under the rainbow, but don’t worry I won’t get any paint on you. Yes I promise to color between the lines, just let me get my coloring book and crayons. The internet is as straight as an arrow, a butch or femme lesbian that you desire, the gayest of any pussy boy, the most bisexual as a channel changer, and you can be a transsexual as quickly as you can change your underwear. Jut don’t forget where you put the remote.

Ajit Pai and his ilk comes from a long line that have prostituted themselves to their corporate pimps. They have sold their bodies and brains to the highest bidder but in the end they have lost their souls. Pai and his minions are hookers looking for their next fix, they snort lines of power and greed like cocaine addicts snort their cocaine, either way the drug is the same. Politicians have done this since their profession was created, and outside of prostitution it is the oldest profession known to mankind, either way the lines are blurred between the politician and the prostitute, and I cannot tell the difference between the two. Both wear a cheap suit and cum stained panties from their last john or janet, not to put down the John’s and Janet’s of the world but you know where I am going with this.

Ajit Pai and the sewer he possess opened the floodgates for deceiving the American populace into believing that we have choice in who we want as our internet service provider. It is a fact that 61% of the American population have only one choice for services. The prostitutes in Washington D.C, our state houses, and local municipalities sold us an empty bill of goods allowing these insidious monsters called monopolies to live among us. They are parasitical cancer cells that feed off their host, then when there is no more to be gained, they kill their host and move on to the next. The only antidote is to throw the prostitutes out of their whore houses, take a trainload of bleach and disinfectant to clean them and wash them down with a fire hose, or burn them to the ground and start over. Either way I just don’t give a damn how its done.

The Washington prostitutes open their thighs and allow their corporate pimps fill their wombs with cash and prizes, kiss the pigs of K Street, Wall Street, the industrial complexes, and the pig master of them all the private central bank called the Federal Reserve, and allow the fishes of the ocean to be swallowed up, stifling free thought, competition, and our equal place in the marketplace of ideas. The only difference between a farm pig and the pigs of K Street, Wall Street, the industrial complexes, the Federal Reserve, is the farm pig doesn’t wear an Armata suit and the finery from Tiffany’s, either way both are naked. They eat their steaks, lobsters, and caviar, and sip their wine, scotch, and whisky like drunken pigs, drunk on their own power, but you know what they urinate and defecate out of the same holes, both have an equal stench.

I will close with this, we own the internet, they don’t. Remember boys and girls, put this on your hard drive, process this with that C.P.U in your head, commit this to your motherboard memory, the way you can tell when the prostitutes and pigs of Washington D.C are lying to you, remember this, it it when they open their filthy sewers, yes the gap between their noses and their chins, yes that filthy sewer and words come out. Welcome to the New Revolution, Engage! Peace.



Erica Baker

I am a 55 year old lesbian womyn that believes in diversity and equality for all persons. I also believe in the innate goodness in every individual.