Jabuticaba FAQ Adventure: From Tree to Table, All Your Answers

Because you can never know too much about this interesting fruit.

Erica L Martin
6 min readSep 2, 2023


Image created by the author with Canva.

If you’ve ever considered adding a different fruit to your diet, you might look into the Jabuticaba fruit. This fruit grows directly in the trunk of the Brazilian grape tree and can be used to make jams, jellies, juice, or wine. It is native to Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, and Bolivia. I’ll answer some frequently asked questions about this fruit in this article.

What is jabuticaba?

Jabutica is the edible fruit of the Brazilian grape tree. It’s purplish black with white pulp and grows right on the trunk of the tree.

Are jabuticaba seeds edible?

They are safe to swallow, but don’t chew them up. They leave tannins and bitter compounds designed to deter animals from destroying the seeds.

Can you eat jabuticaba?

Yes, it is usually eaten fresh and is often used to make jams, tarts, strong wines, and liqueurs.

Is jabuticaba good for you?

Yes, it is very good for strengthening bones and maintaining dental health because it has a lot of calcium, potassium, and…



Erica L Martin

I'm a full-time freelance writer. When I'm not writing I love to read, watch TV, crochet, exercise and work on my house.