Pomelo 101: Exploring FAQs About This Little-Known Citrus Delight

Because we need to educate ourselves about other foods we could add to our diet.

Erica L Martin
6 min readAug 29, 2023


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If you’ve ever considered trying a different fruit from the standard fruits you eat in your diet, you might consider trying the pomelo. This non-hybrid fruit is native to Southeast Asia. It tastes like a sweet grapefruit, and as with the grapefruit, phytochemicals in the fruit have the potential for drug interactions. In this article, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about the pomelo.

Are pomelo and grapefruit the same?

No, but they’re in the same family. They are both citrus fruits, a pomelo tastes like a sweet grapefruit, and like a grapefruit, the phytochemicals in a pomelo have the potential for drug interactions.

Are pomelos good for dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat pomelo, but only in small amounts, according to candogseatit.com. Going overboard can cause dogs to get upset stomachs because it contains a lot of sugar.

Are pomelo good for diabetics?

Pomelo can easily be added to a diabetic diet because of its high fiber, zinc, copper, and antioxidant content.



Erica L Martin

I'm a full-time freelance writer. When I'm not writing I love to read, watch TV, crochet, exercise and work on my house.