Family is like an army, we must protect each other.

Family is a Masterpiece.

“The Family is one of nature’s masterpieces.” — George Santayana

Erica Solis


I love my family so deeply, that they can hurt me so deeply. The wounds created from my family are far more painful and deep than anything else I have ever felt or experienced. Yet, my family is a masterpiece, imperfect perfection, a glimpse of heaven and God’s unconditional LOVE.

I wish there was a manual for life and family. I wish we were kinder to each other. Family has power. Family has the space in our hearts and minds to make an impact for good or evil.

I used to consider most people my family…all my friends and people that I would just meet, I loved them as if they were family. I do not know exactly what happened along the way, but that changed. Perhaps, I got hurt, betrayed and left by those people…those people I would have died for at some point in life. I felt that I could die for almost anybody on this earth: friend, family or foe. I truly felt that way.

After some very hard lessons, I realized I must protect myself and learn how to put myself first before anybody else, including my family. That does not mean, I do not love others or my family. It means, to be loving, healthy and giving, I must take care of myself first. I must take care of my mind, body and spirit first. I must be well enough to give to others. Give to my family.

If we do not give to ourselves, we cannot give to others.

Sometimes family can be the hardest thing in life. Sometimes family can do the most horrible things to us. Sometimes family will betray us. Sometimes family can break our hearts. Sometimes family must do what others will not do, painful things but for good not evil. Sometimes we must let go in LOVE with family and hope that they find their way back to us.

I feel like with every masterpiece comes pain and tribulation. It is how we work together to get through those pains and tribulations, that creates the masterpiece. We remember that our family comes first, before anybody else in this world. We treat each other well, respect each other, we take care of each other and value each other. We own up to our mistakes, let go of our pride and we do the right thing. We remember what is important in this world and this precious life.

Then, we come together like soldiers wounded from battle, soldiers that lock arms to go fight the evils of this world together. Have each other’s back, protect each other, be gracious with each other and loyal to each other.

All my family is a MASTERPIECE and we have the battle wounds to prove it. I pray for you and your family and that we all remember our families are one of God’s greatest masterpieces.



Erica Solis

I love startups — healthcare, real estate and technology. I enjoy reading too.