Full-Time Dad Surprises

6 eye-openers after choosing to focus on my family

Eric Burns
14 min readFeb 27, 2021
My youngest son and I at the zoo
There’s no such thing as too many midweek zoo trips.

A year and half ago, I got all excited when I posted my job update on LinkedIn saying I had resigned from my design job and would become a full-time dad. Many hearty well wishes came in.

However, one comment from a former colleague stuck with me. He wrote, “Congrats! Hardest job in the world though.”

Whoa. Wait. Now, I’d given this transition a ton of thought. But “hardest job” were never words considered by me or mentioned by anyone. Could he be right? In my mind, this new role was all about making things easier on the home front.

What was I getting myself into? [Sudden panicking.]

It’s what you expect, yet it’s full of surprises

Yes, I’ve gotten the kids’ manners improved. Yes, I’ve volunteered more than ever at their school. Yes, at a family Christmas party, my uncle asked me, “are you still playing Mr. Mom?”

I’ve finished a thousand projects around our new house. We’re eating healthier. Weekends are free for fun because the household chores are done midweek.

Hell, greeting cards get mailed on time.

No, I don’t have any days or hours off. And my kids say “you’re so mean” when I’ve…



Eric Burns

Full-time Dad. UX Designer. Design Manager. Design Ops Specialist. Uber and frog design Alum. Husband. Electric Vehicles Nut.