In Theory The GlueBomb Makes Tsar Bomba Look like a Toy Lets Dive in

2 min readMay 25, 2024


Disclaimer: This article is not to be viewed as sound fact yet, but as a hypothesis/theory that could revolutionize many aspects in theory, contingent upon a series of other yet-to-be-released theories.

Greetings, I am Mr. Green, and I wish to contribute to science and culture with my research. In this article, my research will discuss the recent growing evidence for glueballs as a real, pure force.

What I am about to share with you is far futuristic, yet theoretically possible not only in the realm of physics, but within 50 years’ time, contingent upon other theories of mine.

The Gluebomb: Theoretical Operation and Mechanics

The gluebomb is a hypothetical device designed to harness the immense energy theorized to be locked within glueballs, hypothetical particles composed entirely of gluons — the elementary particles responsible for the strong nuclear force.

How It Works

  1. Glueball Production: The process begins within a specialized chamber where high-energy collisions, likely facilitated by particle accelerators, generate glueballs. These particles are notoriously unstable and exist only fleetingly, making their production and containment a monumental challenge.

2. Containment Field: Once generated, the glueballs are immediately subjected to a powerful containment field, a complex arrangement of electromagnetic or other forces designed to counteract the strong forces that would otherwise tear them apart. This containment field acts like a force field bubble, trapping the glueballs within a defined space.

3. Trigger Mechanism: To release the energy within the glueballs, a trigger mechanism destabilizes the containment field. This triggers the simultaneous decay of the contained glueballs, a process that unleashes a tremendous amount of energy.

4. Energy Release: The decay of the glueballs results in a massive release of energy, potentially exceeding that of a nuclear weapon by orders of magnitude. The exact amount of energy released depends on the number of glueballs involved and the efficiency of the energy conversion process.

