A New Kind of Running Challenge

Eric Carlson
2 min readJul 8, 2020
Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

It was a warm spring day, and I didn’t have much to do. The night before I’d watched a video by a guy named Beau Miles, who was documenting a running challenge he had put on himself.

Beau called the challenge A Mile An Hour — Running A Different Kind of Marathon. In it, he runs a mile every hour for a full day, or until he gets to a full marathon of 26.2 miles.

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit uninspired when it comes to running, but when I saw Beau’s video I suddenly got inspired, coursing with a newfound energy in my blood.

Why couldn’t I do the same thing?

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There was no reason I couldn’t. So I put on my Pre Lives shirt seen above and got to work.

So I set out to make my own challenge. I called it the Running Metronome. Every hour, on the hour, I’d set out on a half mile or mile run, repeating that every hour for a predetermined time.

When I was back home, I’d try to get as much as I could done in between runs, whether that was writing, drawing, designing, or just cooking myself a quick meal.

The first day I completed the challenge, I was thrilled. I was



Eric Carlson

I write, I play music. Work in Urban Planning, Graphic Design, and Marketing. Sometimes I feel like I need less hobbies. https://ericcarlson.pro