Mobile Mania: Winning Strategies for Google Ads on the Go (Sydney Focus)

Eric Colin
5 min readFeb 29, 2024


In Sydney, staying connected to one’s phone is practically a necessity while on the go. Sydney residents, like people everywhere else in the world, constantly use their mobiles in the morning when they ride the train, and then look for the best coffee place during lunchtime, or read reviews before booking weekend activities. This thinking grew roots in the manner consumers began researching local businesses through Google Ads, as well.

Now it is history when large bulky desktops used to be the pillars of the search landscape. Today, growing your Sydney business with Google Ads management requires a mobile-first approach. If no rethinking is done on ad campaigns for mobile users, it means a huge impairment of the whole enterprise.

Here’s the good news: if you implement just a couple of modest manipulations, thus you will place magnets on the streets of Sydney that smartphone users will follow and your mobile business will gain super growth.

The rise of mobile search in Sydney

Let’s face it, Sydneysiders are busy bees. We juggle work, family, social lives, and everything in between, often on the go. This fast-paced lifestyle translates to how we search for products and services. Statistics show that over 70% of all online searches in Sydney now happen on mobile devices.

Think about it: how often do you reach for your laptop to find a plumber, a restaurant, or even a local gym? Chances are, you whip out your phone, fire up Google, and get searching — right there and then.

But it’s not just the sheer volume of mobile searches that matters. It’s also about user behaviour. Trying to find something local is more likely to be done through mobile searchers. These people aren’t just surfing; they actively have a goal in mind and they want it here and now. “Cafes near me” and “best electrician in Sydney CBD” are the types of searches that people now perform. This is why marketers get excited when they see a golden opportunity to capture these high-intent local searches on Google Ads through mobile-optimised ads.

Optimising your Google Ads for mobile success

Now mobile search has metamorphosed into the alpha and omega of digital marketing in Sydney you should be aware of which tactics will be the best to optimise an advertising campaign for a mobile device. Here are some key strategies:

  • Craft compelling Ad copy for mobile screens: Make it concise, concise, and get to the main point. Try big fonts, don’t overload mobile users with jargon, and show off your USP (your unique selling proposition) in a way they will agree with.
  • Ensure a seamless mobile landing page experience: It’s your landing page that mobile users convert to and that’s why mobile-friendliness is a must. This also implies fast loading times, navigation that is a breeze to use, and CTAs (calls to action) that are straightforward to press on a small screen.
  • Utilise click-to-call extensions: Ensure it is simple for mobile users to contact your business directly from the ad. Add a click-to-call extension link that users can use by tapping to initiate the call. Such communication is a must for businesses mainly relying on telephone inquiries, such as plumbers who try to explain particular problems over the phone or electricians who need to be contacted in a certain period.

Location targeting on mobile: Reaching Sydney customers on the go

Remember how I mentioned Sydney users often search with local intent? Mobile Ads lets you leverage this local focus with powerful location targeting features. Here’s how:

  • Target by mobile GPS location: Through the service of Google Ads, you can target users by using their location based on GPS data that is real-time. This in turn may lead to the placing of ads by users who are physically close to your business, which therefore increases the chances of such users converting.
  • Leveraging geofencing for hyper-local targeting: Move on to the next militarisation technique: geofencing. Thus, providing an opportunity to be specific to the area, your neighborhood or competition. When a mobile user enters or leaves your geofence, your ad appears and gets the attention of people who are near you and already have an interest in what you have to offer.
  • Using location extensions to showcase your Sydney business address: Location extensions are one of those little wonders in ad accounts that bring great power. These are the additional text that shows your business address and phone number, along with your ad, hence making it easier for potential customers who have phones to find you.

Mobile bidding strategies for Sydney businesses

Bidding functionality that is available in your Google Ads is one of the most important reasons for campaign success. Here are some tips:

  • Optimise bids for mobile conversions: Conversions also do not necessarily have the same value. In terms of bids, consider having the highest conversion value for mobile devices e.g., through phone calls or website submission forms.
  • Utilise Google’s automated mobile bid adjustments: Google Ads allows you to apply automated bidding strategies that change the actual bidding amount depending on the device used. This can be very useful as you can comfort yourself that you are not overspending on clicks from desktop users while adjusting your focus on mobile.

Measuring mobile Ad performance in Sydney

Tracking the effectiveness of your ads is an important indicator of what provides the desired result and what provokes disappointment. Here are some key metrics to focus on: Here are some key metrics to focus on:

  • Mobile conversion rate: This metric demonstrates the percentage amount of mobile users who will spot your advertisement and follow desired action, for example, purchase or reach out to your business.
  • Average cost per mobile conversion: This key figure reflects the costs that you need to pay for getting each new Ads buyer via your mobile advertising.
  • Click-through rate (CTR) on mobile: It depicts the number of visitors who come across your ad and also those who click on and explore it.

Observing these metrics in particular and comparing them with the desktop performance is the way to get information that you find useful and optimise your mobile marketing following them.

Key Takeaway:

Don’t miss out on Sydney’s mobile-first search wave! Optimise your Google Ads for mobile with clear, concise messaging, user-friendly landing pages, and location targeting to reach customers on the go and supercharge your Sydney business growth.

The ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing can be complex to navigate. To maximise the impact of your mobile advertising strategy, consider partnering with a Google Ads agency in Sydney. Their expertise can help you stay informed about the latest trends, optimise your campaigns for local audiences, and ultimately unlock the full potential of mobile advertising in Sydney.

