Tips For Designing A Mobile-friendly Woocommerce Website

Eric Colin
5 min readNov 24, 2023

In the dynamic realm of e-commerce, the significance of a mobile-friendly WooCommerce website design has escalated from being a mere choice to an absolute necessity. The swift and dramatic increase in the utilization of mobile devices for online shopping has left no room for doubt — your website must be impeccably prepared to accommodate this burgeoning and diverse audience.

In this ever-evolving landscape, it’s essential to equip your online store with the tools and strategies to adapt and thrive. With that said, let’s embark on an informative journey, exploring five practical and actionable tips that will empower you to transform your WooCommerce website into a mobile-friendly powerhouse.

Why is mobile-friendly website design important for WooCommerce websites?

Before we embark on our journey through these valuable tips, it’s paramount to grasp the underlying reasons that underscore the indispensability of a mobile-friendly WooCommerce website. The eCommerce landscape is in constant flux, and staying attuned to these pivotal factors is your compass to navigate these ever-changing waters.

Changing Shopping Trends

In the present day, we bear witness to a seismic shift in the shopping habits of our fellow Aussies. More than ever before, they’re reaching for their trusty smartphones and tablets to fulfill their retail desires. The allure of shopping on the go, whether it’s during the daily commute or while sipping a flat white at the local café, is a compelling force driving this change. As a savvy eCommerce entrepreneur, your aim is to be right there in the palm of your customers’ hands, ready to seize those sales opportunities as they arise.

Lower Bounce Rates

Here’s a stark reality — if your website fails to offer a seamless mobile experience, you’re treading on thin ice. High bounce rates are the looming specter, haunting websites that haven’t embraced mobile-friendliness. Shoppers, ever impatient in this age of instant gratification, won’t hesitate to hit the back button if they can’t easily navigate your website on their mobile devices. You don’t want potential customers slipping through your digital fingers simply because your site wasn’t user-friendly on their smartphones.

Search Engine Rankings

Let’s talk about the modern-day oracle — search engines, particularly Google. They’ve established themselves as the gatekeepers of online visibility, and they have a soft spot for mobile-friendliness. Mobile-friendly websites receive the golden ticket to higher rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Google and its ilk favor websites that offer a seamless and responsive experience for mobile users. This isn’t just about search engine optimization; it’s about making your mark in the digital marketplace.

Now that we’ve grasped the gravity of this matter, let’s dive headfirst into the actionable tips that will help you make your WooCommerce website a beacon of mobile-friendliness and customer satisfaction.

Tip #1: Use a responsive web design template or framework.

When it comes to creating a mobile-friendly WooCommerce website, a responsive web design template or framework is your best mate. These invaluable tools possess the innate ability to seamlessly adapt your website’s layout and content to suit any screen size, whether it’s the compact dimensions of a smartphone, the slightly larger canvas of a tablet, or the expansive landscape of a computer monitor.

What this essentially means is that your website can retain its aesthetic appeal and functionality across the entire spectrum of devices, ensuring it looks superb and operates without a hitch on each one. In essence, a responsive design operates as the ultimate one-size-fits-all solution, obviating the need for maintaining a separate mobile site. This brilliant synergy of adaptability not only simplifies your web management but also offers a double boon: a user-friendly experience for your visitors, and the convenience of streamlining your site management for you as well. It’s a definite win-win scenario that paves the way for a more efficient and enjoyable online shopping experience.

Tip #2: Make sure your text and images are large enough to be easily readable on mobile devices.

Picture this scenario: attempting to decipher minuscule text and squinting at tiny product images on your mobile device — an exercise in sheer frustration, wouldn’t you agree? Well, the sentiment is mutual among your customers. To craft an exceptional mobile experience, prioritize legible text that necessitates no zooming, and ensure your product images are sufficiently sizable to eloquently display your offerings. Shopping online should be a breeze, not a guessing game. By heeding this advice, you’ll deliver a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience that leaves your customers delighted rather than bewildered.

Tip #3: Avoid using Flash and other outdated technologies.

In the realm of technology, it’s imperative to bid farewell to the relics of the past, like Flash animations and other antiquated technologies. These digital dinosaurs may have had their heyday, but they’re far from compatible with the mobile landscape. Some contemporary devices outright refuse to support them, leaving users frustrated. To foster a superior shopping experience, it’s paramount to embrace cutting-edge technologies that guarantee your WooCommerce website’s seamless performance across all devices. Your customers deserve nothing less than a smooth and hassle-free journey as they explore your online store, and modern tech is the key to delivering that promise.

Tip #4: Use a simple and easy-to-navigate menu.

In the land of mobile shopping, users want it easy and quick. So, keep your menu simple and easy to navigate. Avoid complicated dropdowns and excessive clutter. A straightforward menu ensures your customers can find what they’re looking for without any hassle.

Think of it this way: a clean and well-organized menu is like having a friendly shop assistant guiding customers to the right shelves.

Tip #5: Make sure your website loads quickly on mobile devices.

A slow-loading website can be a real mood-killer, especially for mobile users. In today’s fast-paced world, patience is a rare commodity, especially when people are on the move. This makes the optimization of your WooCommerce website for speed an absolute imperative.

By compressing images, implementing browser caching, and leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs), you can ensure that your website loads at lightning speed, even on slower mobile connections. This not only keeps your visitors engaged and satisfied but also enhances your site’s search engine ranking, making it a win-win situation. Speed is the key to a seamless mobile experience, and by fine-tuning your website’s performance, you can keep your audience captivated, wherever they are.


By following these five tips, you can transform your WooCommerce website into a mobile-friendly haven for online shoppers. With a responsive design, legible content, modern technologies, a user-friendly menu, and a speedy loading time, your website will be well-prepared to serve your customers effectively, whether they’re shopping from their lounge or while sipping a flat white at their local café.

Remember, in today’s online shopping world, mobile-friendliness is not just an option; it’s your ticket to success. So, grab your mobile-friendly toolkit and start designing your WooCommerce website with Aussie flair, keeping your customers’ needs at the forefront. Happy designing, WooCommerce website designer!

