Pastor Jane’s Corporate Resume

Eric Hoke
2 min readApr 14, 2022


Pastor Jane, it was a pleasure to serve you.

Thanks for being our Second client. If you want to skip ahead, scroll down to see the before and after screenshots.

Pastor Jane has been working in the fundraising world but wants to break into corporate and is a seasoned professional with tons to offer any company that would hire her.

She sent me a role for a Project Manager of Leadership Programs for a large consulting firm the she was interested in.

I told her it may take me a while to do this, given her vast experience and especially because this is Holy Week but I found some time at 5:30 this morning to crank it out. Pastor Jane now has a Corporate Ready Resume that will get her more interviews and is well on her way to her next assignment.

Some best practices that I learned from reworking Pastor Jane’s resume:

1. Delete and reword everything that has NOTHING to do with the job. Pastor Jane has tons of great certifications and background. But here’s the thing, if it’s not RELEVANT to the job, you’re wasting precious space on your resume. Delete and reword.

2. Pastor Jane does what lots of more seasoned professionals do and it’s a mistake. Your educational credentials go at the bottom (there are exceptions). The top 1/3 of your resume is your prime real estate. If you don’t “sell your skills” in the first few seconds, your resume is going to the reject pile.

3. Finally, one page. Resumes only need to be one page. You can highlight your skills in the interview. I promise you not even your grandma cares about the second page of your resume. Condense it to one. Trust me.

I have now served 2 pastors who are well on their way of breaking into the marketplace, supplementing their incomes and building ministries of sustainability. Who is next?

Pastor Jane’s Before Resume. Not bad but needs some TLC.
You’re hired!

