Have you seen the children killed by the United States?

Eric Bierce
6 min readMay 24, 2017


5–24-17 E.B

(Photos are from Drone documentary click here to watch) — America’s drone wars by Brave new Films.

In many places, the United States is a very real, deadly threat. People are living with remote controls bombers coming by randomly killing completely innocent people. With the killers Never accusing or contacting them. Never even declaring war on them.

Why is a “Democracy” spreading “freedom” in ways the population doesn’t even agree with?

Americans need to stand up for all human right. If the military is that of a Democracy. With good morals. Why would it participate in violence on a regular basis. Many times with no distinguishing morals and no boundaries or end goal. When it comes to the military. You find a lot of different types of people doing a lot expensive killing.

US corporations made a business out of war. Legitimate War is over, now they made a business out of killing peaceful people. The targets no longer clearly identified. The more bombs dropped, the more money made. Whatever you think about the Middle East, it’s hard to explain arming both sides of a fight. Should we allow weapon sales that are used against our morals and possibly our troops?

We’ve been told “why” they hate the US. Because we terrorize and kill their children. How would you treat your child’s killer?

The US is funding both sides of the fighting in Syria, and some times three sides. The goals? Its debatable.

It seems plausible, the military actions of the U.S. have no other purpose than to cause fear, death and to make money for the few.

Chelsea Manning leaked proof of some horrific realities. The video and photos she released were unbelievable- I mean literally. It’s real though. In fact, the US threw Chelsea in prison and tortured her for telling us. Manning released Photos of US soldiers piling bodies of people they kidnapped on top of each other and urinating on them. Guantanamo was not like a tough prison. More like a fetish horror movie.

One of the most telling parts of the leak was a video. It’s from one of our Apache helicopters — the US soldiers see some people on the ground. It’s a journalist with a camera man but they don’t really care who it is. They radio in for permission to “engage” — then blast the small group of people with heavy fire power. They act like it’s a video game. Then they circle around and when a van stops to help the people laying on the ground- the soldiers kill all of them — first responders-Including children that are visible in the van. It’s hard to accept as real. It makes no sense and has no place in any moral world.

You might think those solders got in trouble- nope. No charges for them- the person who leaked the video, then Bradley Manning, got hit with serious charges. Even though a huge part of society was thankful for the truth, those in power saw no value in telling this story.

Now we have gone to a new level of evil with the drone program. Watch this documentary on US drones. (VIDEO).

If we are going to fight terrorism- wouldn’t it make sense to not participate in it? Why would we allow the killings of random people? How is it that America- the self declared GOOD guys- is killing women and children? I don’t understand how this is ok with anyone.

So when the proof came out of the murders and torture — the Americans Government demanded it stop right? ….Wrong.

One after another, US politician came out against Chelsea Manning. They were outraged for her leaking the evidence of our war crimes, but never payed attention to the victims. Many republicans In the US call for Manning to be put to death.

Luckily, Obama gave Manning her freedom. After years in solidarity she is a free woman. A hero of the American people.

I’ll leave you with some photos Chelsea leaked. When you look at these pictures remember-. The US was simply grabbing people up in Iraq and torturing them for no logical reason. Remember this is a business. They will always have an “enemy” as long as they can profit from killing them.

What about today? Are we going to bomb some distant human for no reason? Will one of the corporations get to sell some more bombs today?

In fact — it was just reported that US has a role in killing 200 civilians in Mosul -(story here)

The war machine continues.



Eric Bierce

Thank you for taking your time to read my words. Please follow me on twitter @eric_bierce